Things have been working good for a while, now this. I cant find it in the forum. Anyone had this problem before ?
I am afraid to uninstall BFD3 because I dont want to lose my custom kits.
Im on a good computer and Pro Tools 2022.
Things have been working good for a while, now this. I cant find it in the forum. Anyone had this problem before ?
I am afraid to uninstall BFD3 because I dont want to lose my custom kits.
Im on a good computer and Pro Tools 2022.
Hi. I think you’re going to have to tell us more about what conditions you’re talking about before anyone can help. To start are you on Windows or Mac? Is this happening with certain presets, certain kits, or everything? What changed on your system around the time you noticed degraded sound? Does this happen after loading a new kit or after calling up a project in Protools? Have you checked your Master bus to see if you accidentally added reverb and delay? Have you moved room mics around and have their gain set high?
oddly enough, on other sessions, everything’s good.
this is a new session i created last week. i was laying rough tracks, so i didnt mind. the wild sound actually was cool.
BFD is the only plug in in this session. i bounced back and fourth between other sessions and couldnt find any different settings in Pro Tools or BFD.
Im not real technical with bfd, I basically built 1 kit in Oblivion, and I stick with it.
in the faulty session, every preset sucks.
Ive had bizarre things happen in the past, that only seem to happen to me. I will try creating a second instrument track, put BFd on it, and see what happens. The last resort will be uninstalling and re-installing BFD.
Any advise on how to preserve my user presets ?
If you are still on PC…(older post)
The location for the User preset Folders is
C:\Users\3D\Documents\BFD Drums\BFD3\Presets…
or just copy (for backup/peace of mind) the whole BFD3 Folder if you have User Kits,Presets, Grooves etc etc and copy to that location after re-installing…then re-scan User Content Paths
C:\Users\3D\Documents\BFD Drums\BFD3
If you’re getting a huge reverb and snare echo … then I can only think that there are actual effects inserted into the mixer somewhere.
Try resetting the mixer, or bypassing the effects?
OK , so its been a while. Im still having the problem.
I found that for some reason, in newer projects, BFD is loading up with FX on. Not good FX. If I turn off the FX, its OK, but I imagine my favorite presets ( Oblivion; Face Full of Smack) does have Fx on it.
But if i go to an older file/song, its fine.
I tried uninstalling and reinstalling BFD, no change.
A few months ago, I started using the SSL control surfaces. Im also having assertion errors and crashes. I wonder if they are related.
For many years, BFD has been pretty solid. This is strange.
BFD is def buggy IMO.
OK, Im back.
So BFD is loading with Effects turned on. Which is adding a huge unpleasant delay and reverb to the sound.
If I turn the effects off, it sounds ok. A clean dry sound.
But my concern is: dont the presets come programmed using effects ? And if I have to turn the effects off, I have defeated the presets, right ?
For many years, I did not have this problem, why now ?
Overall, things are running good, I do get “Assertion Errors” in Pro Tools that can be devastating, that I assume are caused by BFD.
Is the delay possibly a HW buffer setting in your DAW? If you’re using a buffer of 256 or higher, that shouldn’t be an issue and I think the buffer only affects realtime MIDI to audio latency. It shouldn’t be there during playback of pre-recorded MIDI, even at very low buffer settings.
Thanks for your reply, When I turn off the mixer effects, its clean. Ill take a look at the hardware buffer.
A funny thing is, even after the new update to 3.5, i still have the problem.
This leads me to a new question about presets. So, for example, a preset from BFD Oblivion. Does that preset manipulate BFD’s mixer and effects settings, or are the samples from Oblivion manipulated and BFD’s mixer is not used ?
I will say again, I am not a very technical BFD user. I really never touch the mixer and effects.
Oblivion does have some processed kits/presets, but that’s just eq/compression/saturation for the most part. It’s baked into the kit pieces. I’m sure the Obv presets are using the FX too. Most of the BFD presets have way too much ambient mics and sometimes FX in the mix, for my liking anyways. And the built-in FX while good, I seldom use them anymore. I process in the DAW.
thanks again, I looked through the FX on different presets last night. It seemed odd that a lot of high hats had flanger on them, but not audible.
A lot of snares had about 5 or 6 FX on them, and when I changed presets, the FX were identical.
The main problem Im having is a very huge dirty reverb and delay happening. But there is no delay enabled on these presets. . . .?
I had another heartbreaking “assertion error” last night and lost about 2 hours of work. Even after “saving” periodically, I got screwed.
I still havent tried a complete re-install of BFD. I will report back then.
So I tried to do a complete uninstall. And when BFD came up, my custom presets were there,so I did not get a complete uninstall. I looked around and deleted anything BFD I could find, and eventually my presets were gone.
So I loaded up a preset and still had the delay and all. I did find a delay that was enabled.
I am going to try and share a screenshot of an Evil Drums preset I loaded up, and look at the effects.
So, every preset I load has these same effects on it.
The un-installer doesn’t touch anything in your user/Documents/BFD Drums location. This is actually a good thing.
I’m guessing you have the “mix” filter button turned off in the presets browser, and so the mixer is not updating properly from preset to preset as you go through them.
thats probably it. there’s a lot that I dont know about this software.
after doing a fresh install, the wild shit drum sound is gone, Im guessing it may have been some fx setting from Dark Farm or something.
Now im off to get my ass kicked by the 3.5 update. I have noticed something different in the groove organization, nice labels for Fills.
Thanks Guys
(I keep having to approve posts for this thread, I think It’s something to do with the title. I’m going to tweak it and see if it stops. Hope thats okay with you all!)
The approval thing is still happening for me, even in other posts.
I have been having the same experience…I haven’t been posting as they get stuck in Approval for days.
I end up deleting them as they are answered by other members during the Approval Waiting period…
This was the 1st Post in weeks that didn’t go to “Approval”…so maybe it’s fixed…
Guess I was too Optimistic…I tried to respond/reply to other posts including a solution for this post…
and currently have “Posts Pending”…waiting for Moderator.
So what is the difference between this post …and the others that prevent posting…other than I see “BFD” in the Titles