I just bought and installed this pack. I’m updating this first post from earlier (couldn’t find the presets earlier). Apparently there are no Snare drums installed with this pack as I’ve installed it twice now and only have Kicks and Toms. It’s advertised as having Snare drums so am not sure what’s happening here. In the Audio folder I just have the kick and tom audio. Weird. Might see if I can get my money back on this one.
My presets are all in my BFD Heavy directory, but I don’t remember if that’s where the installer put them, or if I moved them there. I probably moved them there myself, just to keep it more organized.
They all end in .bfd2kit or .bfd2. It’s possible they were put under an old BFD2 directory. Or maybe under the BFD3 content directory.
This might not help much since I’m on Windows, but it might point you in the right direction. My presets are here after doing a fresh install yesterday:
C:\Program Files (x86)\BFD Drums\BFD2\System\Presets
They went there after pointing the installer to my storage drive for the install:
F:\FXpansion\BFD Heavy
So look for the BFD Drums folder in whatever directory BFD installs to on Mac then look for a BFD2 folder, then start checking sub-folders.
Hope that helps some.
I managed to get presets working. I had to copy them from a BFD2 folder. But, the other issue seems to be I don’t have any of the Heavy pack’s snare drums installed!?! I’ve installed this pack twice today and when I look in the samples folder there are only Kicks and Toms. I’ve also looked at the downloads folder as one can see everything in the pack, and there are no snare drums there either. This pack is advertised to include snare drums. Any ideas?
No. Just noticing that too. Kicks and Toms only in the 2 kits: Birch Custom and Recording. I checked the product description and it is supposed to have a
" bonus reduced-detail Yamaha Jimmy Chamberlin steel-shell snare (taken from BFD Signature Snares Vol.2)."
I’ve got the SigSnares Vol.2, so it doesn’t matter that much to me, but still, it should be included if that’s what you paid for.
Thanks for confirming. Do you like the Signature 2 snare pack? It’s on sale right now (as is the incomplete Heavy pack).
Hi did you find the BFD Heavy pack snares…??..i’m having exact same issue in MacOS…and I don’t have the signature pack and can’t find these items (i managed to find the presets and kits that were ‘missing in action’ too)
Nope. I wound up buying the snare pack that the Heavy Snare comes from (Signature 2 Snares). Tech support said they’re supposed to fix the installer to include the snare though so if you’re patient maybe it will get fixed.
I uploaded the bonus snare that came with the Heavy kit a few days ago.
I’m not sure if it will work or the licence manager will scan it but it’s worth a try.
Extract it into the BFD Heavy folder and rescan.
Hi Steve
It didn’t work for me.
It installed but not recognised by licence manager or bfd3.
But I eventually got the signature snares packs.
Can I get an OSX installer to try? I have the YS2 Snares in the Audio folder but BFD3 is not recognising the,
Is it the full kit or the bonus snare you’re wanting?
I can download the bonus snare straight from the fx site but the full kit has to be downloaded via the licence manager. It seems that the new licence manager is unable to read the download ticket so I don’t think I can get it without trying an older build of the licence manager.
Here’s a link to the DMG file for the bonus snare if that helps.
I just notice that BFD Heavy is showing in my licence manager, does it not show on yours?
It might not if nether BFD3 or the licence manager recognise it.
Have you contacted support@bfddrums.com or @BFD_Drew or @BFD_SKoT or @BFDrummer or @BFD_Jay or @BFD_Lukasz
Drew hasn’t been on here for over a week now and maybe on holiday or something.
I notice that the old fxpansion site still holds all of my products but if the licence manager cant see the old download tickets then they’re of no value to me.
I had thought the plan was to port all of our registered products from the old fxpansion site to the new inbrands site but only a tiny handful of them are showing up there and they haven’t been added to since the great migration.
But they need to be there either on the website or via the licence manager but preferably both.
just the Snares. I will try that dmg Thanks. I just ran an update that was in the BFD License Mgr - BFD3_3-4-2-4_Update , and now BFD3 is crashing at launch when rescanning.
Trying to resolve that issue now …
Hi have just bought this expansion and have the same issue. No snares and cymbals missing I think?
Presets ok, but it is the actual samples that are missing.
Did anyone get this resolved?
It should come with a reduced-detail snare, but it doesn’t come with any cymbals.
Ok, thanks for that. Still missing the snare for some reason!
Do you already own the Signature Snares expansion? That has the full detail version of the same snare.
I don’t, but that is good to know.
Many thanks.
I bought this pack ages ago but have never really used it a lot, looking at it today after a fresh install, and looking at the video they use to advertise it, the grooves they mention on that video are non existent on my install? they show a tone of grooves that come with the install ie: the rock classic ones, on my install there are only 3 grooves under the Heavy tag, also there are cymbals missing from the first half of the kits.