@deangersmith That expansion contains no cymbals, just kicks, toms, drum cases and a low-detail version snare. For the grooves, some may be under a different tag then Heavy. You could try and track them down in your Explorer/Finder, to see where they got installed and what some of the groove names are that you’re not seeing in the BFD3 grooves browser.
Thanks I realised that when looking at the pack contents on the bfd site, just confused me because some load with cymbals obviously used from elsewhere. As for the grooves, nowhere on my entire machine (let alone where they are supposed to be) is there a groove that matches the descriptions in that video. Here is what the video shows:
Apologies that seems to be kit presets, but the grooves are non existent. Those kit presets don’t exist either.
Aah, I seem my erroneous ways here, that is actually a groove pack, separate from the BFD heavy expansion, my bad, I should probably be getting some rest eheheh! It’s a bit confusing as the video is on the same page as the Heavy expansion Pack.
This is what confused me:
That second heading should read BFD Heavy Expansion pack (Sold Separately) in my opinion. Maybe i am a bit too picky but it confused me anyway.
Bumping this as it’s still an issue 2-3 years later than the OP’s post (now 2024). If nothing else but to confirm the issue and give possible newer buyers the fore-warned knowledge that they’re going to have problems most likely. Yellow triangles in presets still appear on snares and cymbals hihats.
Downloading the pack steve63 so kindly offered in this thread helps with the snares(win) - but for whatever reason the cymbals and hh are still pointing to an old path (prolly since this go around I never installed bfd 2.) I might try this later. . .
Presets and Kits: There is a HUGE difference between the preset/kits installed than what is shown in the video for this expansion (see the screengrab in a prev. reply) This was a major selling point for myself personally! These are not offered in Heavy anymore. I sorta feel duped by the video vs. what I really got. I have only a handful of presets that were unpacked via the installer - no creaming for vengeance - no highway to hail - so disappointed.
I’ve got a ticket in with support but I’ve been getting the automated help nonsense that has no bearing on my ticket.
There were never any snares included with the Heavy kit.
In fact, it’s not really what you’d call a kit at all, as it’s just a collection of kicks and toms.
The missing pieces will be referencing pieces from the BFD2 collection or the Yamaha (YS2) snares.
Expansions that are just shells will have presets that use stock cymbals from either BFD2/3. For the future, I suggest looking here for details on what is included with an expansion before buying.
Oops, forgot to put the link. BFD | Sample and Groove Packs : BFD Drums
BFD Heavy and BFD Heavy Rock Classics are from 2 different BFD “Generations”
BFD3 HEAVY (2011) originally is/was a BFD2 (2008-2013) Expansion…
Yamaha Kicks/Toms and bonus ‘lite’ Yamaha Jimmy Chamberlin signature snare in 4 versions played with sticks and mallets, with the snare strainer on and off.
Full-detail versions of this snare are available in the Yamaha Signature Snares vol.2 expansion pack.
The Presets/Grooves are in BFD2 Format and use the BFD2 Core (Now - London Sessions) for additonal Kit Pieces.
The 18 Presets included are a mixture of Cymbals,Kicks,Snares and Toms only …along with complete Kits.
BFD Drums needs to update the BFD Heavy Expansion Product page to include…
*additional requirements - London Sessions Expansion…or remove some of the Presets.
At the time of it’s release it was presumed the BFD2 Core Library was present.
The link has additional info…including mic’s etc
BFD HEAVY Rock Classics (2015) is/was a BFD3 (Sept 2013-Present) Groove pack that also included (2) Presets for each set of Grooves.
The Presets/Grooves are in BFD3 Format and use the BFD3 Core Kits/Kit Pieces.
Do the Grooves come supplied with suggested kits?
Yes - (2) BFD3-format presets are supplied for each set of Grooves (a main mix and an alternate mix).
The presets feature a kit, set of Grooves and additional mixer/FX settings which recreate the original sound. Each set of Grooves is also supplied in .bfd3pal format to load into any BFD3 session.
Thank you! That has to be the best explanation of it just yet. Guess I’ll be adding the groove pack - I didn’t realize they could have presets - this whole time I thought they (grooves) were just that MIDI files of sorts.
I’ve got the snares worked out - how can I tell what cymbals/hh are used with what preset - I can’t seem to find that info anywhere. I have no problem re-linking the files to the preset - even tho I’m still at a loss as to why the link got broke. . .
Egg on my face - and eating a whole pie of crow meat at the same time.
You shouldn’t need to re-link anything if you have all of the required Expansions.
Yellow Triangles are for missing articulations or missing expansions.
BFD Heavy Rocks Classics use BFD3 Core Kits/Kit Pieces so the Presets will not show “Yellow Triangles”
BFD Heavy requires London Sessions…otherwise none of the cymbals will be located and instead will show Yellow Triangles.
Do you have London Sessions (BFD2) installed and showing under BFD3 Content Locations ?
Yes. I have what should be needed.
I have no yellow triangles in the content browser only in heavy presets that ive loaded
Using your grab i get triangles on most preset cymbals and hi hats. I have removed all content paths and rescanned and repeated the process over and over. Etc.
All expansions save this work just fine
Here are the BFD Heavy presets in BFD3 format…
I know for Fact they are all working including re-assigning the percussion which there was a name change for the Cowbell.
I don’t know how you have your presets organized or if “All in the Pool”… ie one folder with all BFD3 Presets loose…so you will show duplicates.
I would place all of the BFD2 versions of BFD Heavy in a folder and move them somewhere else so they don’t get scanned.
Unzip…copy/Paste the Folder to:
Windows C:\ProgramData>BFD Drums>BFD3>System>Presets.
macOS Library>Application Support>BFD Drums>BFD3>System>Presets
Rescan System Content Paths
BFD Heavy.zip (1.0 MB)
I will do this first thing in the am. Im currently out of the house but I thank you for the help!