Crash/Ride/Hi-Hat choke problem on Alesis Surge SE

Which BFD Player Version is installed?
Is it the Version that came with the Kit…or the Version which requires the InMusic Software Center.
Click on the BFD Player LOGO…Current Version is
The old Version that was bundled with the SE Kits was .

If you need the InMusic Version see this Topic

Lately I have been running across a number of the Modules (Nitro,Surge,Nitro Max) which are advertised as coming with Continuous/Variable Type Controllers…
However the Module is not sending CC4…

I haven’t heard anything back from those with the issue as they were contacting Alesis Support.

I attached a Map with After Touch turned off…check and see how the Module plays now.
The HH Pedal issues may or may not be fixed…but No Cymbal Chokes…
I don’t have one of these modules for testing any more.The Modules are Re-Brands based on the Medeli DD-512.The last one I had was the DM7X…over 10 years ago.

If the HH issues are resolved…Someone that uses these Modules may have to setup MIDIOX or a MIDI Monitoring Utility and see if the Cymbals send a Choke Note.

There have been a few posts on this Topic…

Alesis Surge Mesh SE - NO (1.3 KB)

Unzip…copy/Paste to

Windows …C:\ProgramData>BFD Drums>BFDPlayer>System>Maps.
macOS Library>Application Support>BFD Drums>BFDPlayer>System>Maps