BFD3.5 Released & installed from InMusic

Thank you so much - stumbled across this last night by chance and now installed /updated first time and working great. VST3 BFD3 is now live running native in Cubase 14 on Mac OS M1.

This is fantastic - thank you to all the Dev Team for sorting this - glad we all kept the faith in BFD - our patience has now been rewarded.

You should really be announcing this everywhere that this has been launched.


Just updated (on Windows)

Quickest install/update Iā€™ve ever encountered (hope Iā€™ve not spoke too soon)

All my old projects load (Cubase 14 - still a pain for me at present). However, Cubase plug in manager still showing BFD as vst 2.4. should that not be showing vst 3.6.13 ( they are both still in there).

On update/installation the old BFD files were removed to the recycling bin and removed from my Steinberg vst folder. vst 3 being installed in common files vst 3.

Can someone let me know (before I cock up), do I need to open another instance of BFD 3 and load my old presets using the vst 3 or should that be automatic in Cubase (still showing vst 2.4)?

One more point, and please pardon my ignorance with all things internet and tech, should I remove BFD licence manager. Canā€™t understand why it was not removed on the new install/update if itā€™s not needed.

Otherwise flawless and brilliant update for me.

Kind to general musicians for creativity and nearly all tech left in the dark, also for those like me.

Yes, congratulations everyone involved. The dedicated developers and long time, faithful, product owner. Without you this extraordinary reality wouldnā€™t have been accomplished. Also to InMusic that believed and supported the latest stages.

This is already a wide reaching, deep instrument of the finest quality to treasure (and keep enlarging), that just now has reached eternal qualities. Thanks very much to you all involved.


Working great for me too, with one exception - I canā€™t install and use my Sonic Reality Epic Drums kit (Woody Woodmansey). I activated it and downloaded it via inMusic Software Center, but it crashes when it tries to install. Has anyone else encountered this?

Indeed. Itā€™s back from the dead and Iā€™m so happy with gamble last black friday where a bought quite a bunch of expansion packs trusting that it would come back. At first glance, Iā€™d say this looks better than expected. Congrats to those involved.

Improvement wish: ā€œChecking product registrationsā€ takes too long though with my 8 libraries.

No joy on new MacBook- M4 Pro Sequoia. Only get spinning beachball. Cubase 12 does not ā€˜seeā€™ BFD3. Canā€™t launch stand alone.

Ok this is frustrating after waiting all this time for BFD 3.5. It seems I canā€™t update because I am still running Catalina on my main mac mini and its no longer compatible with the InMusic center. Is this right? Has anyone else had this issue?

A week later, and Iā€™m only hearing about BFD3.5 because I happened to see it in the forum summary. Not even a notice in the license manager. Why no announcement to registered users?

How does one get v3.5? I donā€™t see it mentioned on The BFD user group on Facebook mentions it, but only as a beta. Yet this thread is titled ā€œBFD3.5 Releasedā€. Is there a release version, or still just the beta?

I just bought a Macbook M4 Pro the other day and own both Cubase and Nuendo. Hopefully one of those apps will run BFD3 without a hitch.

If they get around to approving my previous message, youā€™ll see the problem I was looking at.

But otherwise, I got everything to reauthorize by reinstalling using the new inMusic installers for all expansions where there was one. Donā€™t know if this was strictly necessary, but I did it anyway.

The important step was to open without doing the ā€œauthorize all prouctsā€, and then delete and rescan each product individually. After that, everything worked just fine. A bunch of my Platinum Samples groove packs say ā€œnot authorizedā€, but they scan and work just fine. Drum Drops kits are also good once rescanned.

IIRC I also did this when we went from FXpansion to inMusic.

Cubase 14 and BFD 3.5 here, works mostly fine except for one library that doesnā€™t want to authorize and leaves BFD hanging at ā€œAuthorizingā€. I like the UI refresh, but what I like the most is that we now have a vst3 version of beloved BFD3, for free.

Thanks guys!

I am also on MacBook- M4 Pro Sequoia, Nuendo 13, BFD3 is loading here, although taking a few seconds to load unlike most plugins.

No announcement from the team ?

Im wondering if the old license manager is obsolete or what ?

Thanks guys.

I was OK on M3 MBP Sequoia at first. Standalone opened up and authorized just fine. VST3 and AAX spun forever on Authorizing after having successfully detected my licenses on inMusic. And now, after trying a resinstall, I get the same thing on standalone.

So, if thereā€™s a magic sequence, would appreciate hearing it. Thanks.

Problem with download links. I just received an email from ā€œhello@bfddrums.comā€ titled ā€œBFD Update 3.5 + Winter Saleā€ with the 3.5 Update download links and BOTH links seem to be the MAC version. No PC version. In other words clicking on the [UPDATE FOR MAC] and the [UPDATE FOR PC] links gives the same file => ā€œBFD3_3-5-0-49.dmgā€.

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Is this a free upgrade if I already own BFD 3?

Iā€™m pretty bummed that they upped the system requirements on the Mac side, from High Sierra to Monterey, especially for just an incremental update. Iā€™m kinda stuck on Mojave because of software and hardware constraints. Updating everything to a working system would take a lot of time and money. I just pray that the previous build and LM continue to work into the future.

Hi, itā€™s a free update.

whatā€™s the procedure to update? use my original serial number? The update button in the email does nothing, attempts to open a new tab and just closes againā€¦not very good.

Your email or browsing software may be auto-closing the site before you see it open because the link is for a non-secure site (not using HTTPS).
