BFD3.5 Released & installed from InMusic

Thanks I did think that, happening on more than one browser, and on windows and mac…it’s not on my end. The rest of the links in the email work fine.

When looking at my account with InMusic online, not in the SC, I have two BFD3’s with a serial? @BFD Team - which serial do I use?

hey @deangersmith

If you already own BFD and have a serial registered to your account, you dont need to re-register it. Just log into your account and you should be good to go.


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Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!
It’s beautiful!

Sadly - 3.5 is as unstable as ever. 5 minutes into an Ableton session, before selecting a new kit resulted in Ableton crashing.

They sent a new mail including working links for mac and pc. But I updated via the inMusic Software Center a few days ago, downloaded and installed everything again.

I think you have to download the inMusic Software Center and login as you would with the older LM. All your registered projects should display.

If BFD asks you to write a crash log to the desktop, please say yes. Then upload it here in a dedicated bug report thread.

Hey everyone, Drew here. I’m not 100% on BFD anymore so I don’t get a chance to forum about it as much as I used to. But a few comments:

  • BFD3.5 is a free upgrade.
  • BFD has always checked for authorizations on start-up. That bit isn’t new.
  • It is a little sluggish when it does it the first time. Subsequent runs should be faster. We will improve this in the future.
  • The new UI is not scalable, but we do have better resizability.
  • Your existing content should work, but with caveats. Some old or out of date installations may not work. In those cases, I highly recommend redownloading and reinstalling the pack. You can get all of your packs from the inMusic Software Center application.
  • If your libraries do not seem to work properly, I highly recommed you redownload them from the inMusic Software Center application. As well as some bug fixes in the libraries, there are improvements to meta-data in most packs. I spent a long time updating that stuff myself!
  • This version gives complete Apple Silicon support, and VST3 support.
  • It is free to all existing BFD3 owners.
  • The only workflow improvement we’ve put into this version is the ambient microphones have been broken out into their own sub panel called Mics. It is a nicer experience balancing your ambient sends now.
  • Any bugs or crashes, please direct them to the inMusic tech support team, or report them on the BFD Drums forum and they will be logged and investigated. Bugs reported here or any other forum will most likely be missed by the team. We don’t have the man power to constantly check up everywhere unfortunately.

Fakkin FANTASTIC Brother, gotta say my love for BFD never waned, and now it just increased even more, well done BFD Team and Testers :slight_smile:

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Installed BFD3.5 and it is basically unusable on my Intel MacBook Pro. The BFD3 CPU usage is very high even when it is doing nothing, so the cooling fans are screaming like jumbojet during takeoff :disappointed:

Check your buffer setting in standalone. It’s probably set to 512. Bump it up to 1024. That will put less strain on the CPU.

Otherwise, there are some utility apps that you can use for Intel MBP’s that can help with cooling and power.
Turbo Boost Switcher

There’s defo something not right there, I use it on a couple of machines, one is an intel macbook pro mid 2015 I think (will have to check) ad it runs just fine, even with other apps running, standalone and in DAW. At times the temp is a bit high but all seems ok.

I had to deauthorize and authorize a fair number of times before it worked.

Just curious what you’re using? Have you looked into the opencore legacy patcher?

hmm…I’m running Sequoia (15.3 on an old Mac Pro from 2009) and standalone is working fine for me now. On the old version it was crashing out as soon as I tried loading and playing anything. So far 3.5 is working great.

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If I set the buffer setting higher, there is so much delay between hitting the drums and hearing the sound that it is totally unusable when playing “live”

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My Intel MBP screams like a jumbo jet even when it’s just sitting there. It’s never been useful for recording live. I’m on an M3 now, but I still use my Intel for other work. It seems to be louder than in the past when fans are on Auto. Could be an update issue with Sequoia. I use Fan Control to manage it, but it runs hot no matter what.

With the help of Sam from inMusic, I trashed the BFD3 preferences and everything loaded up. So happy to have BFD back! Best drum software out there! Worth the wait.

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Sorry to hear it’s crashing, but I suspect it has more to do with Ableton as I use the last version before this new update all the time and haven’t experienced a single crash in Cubase, Nuendo, or Studio One. The software is rock-solid in those environments.