BFD Improvements

First get rid of the 90 day authorization crap and replace with yearly.
2 - Make VST3 version.
3 - More complete info on the kit pieces to load.
4 - Included preset installation needs work. Very often they don’t install nor do Kits
5 - Full screen tab
6 - Larger buttons on Drop down menus

7 - More info on what is included in expansions on website

comments anyone?

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What version are you using?

Okay, it’s done! [Just kidding. :stuck_out_tongue: ]

So, when did you notice a problem? (We’ve been yacking about this stuff for … a long time. Still waiting for the auth thing to go away). Other stuff is okay. I can use BFD3 on PC and Mac in Nuendo, Studio One, Digital Performer and Reaper, so plugin is not an issue for me. The GUI is okay, too. As is the info it provides. IMO…of course.

Right now I’m most hopeful for getting a VST3 version where everything in the software works as intended. I’ll even be relatively happy with a new VST2/AU update which fixes/restores all the functionality and use that in rosetta mode.

I have not been able to download ANYTHING from the download manager for more than a year now. I am suck with version, and the DM says: BFD3 Update (with errors) It also says: downloaded: 0.0/74.3 MB | 2 files failed to download properly.

Any update would be great, but if I cannot download it, it will still be pretty useless to me.

I was also asked to join the beta-testing team. Having had as many difficulties with BFD3 as I have, it may sound strange that I might even seriously consider joining it, but to do so, I would have to be able to download.

But then, I am worried that installing an ailing beta over what is still working might destroy the last bits of functioning BFD3.

Try uninstalling BFD3, restart computer, download and install the LM again.

Tried that too many times already.

VST3 absolutely! AAX woeks well, but Pro Tools is becoming a financial nightmare, especially as LUNA from UAD is coming on strong - and not just for UAD hardware users. The £sums of staying with PT get harder and harder to justify.

I just have a vanilla Pro Tools perpetual license and never went sub. I spent around $200 back in 2019 to upgrade from PT11 and haven’t spent any more money on it since. I keep my music rig on older macOS versions. Still fully functional.

Yep, same. I love PT, but almost always track with UAD hardware and plugs. LUNA makes better use of my resources and has taken a lot of PTs best features, including KB shortcuts. BUT, until BFD goes vst3 I can’t fully migrate to LUNA. First world problems :laughing:

The original owners of the software ran it as a professional concern for professional users, and it was a market leader for many years.
The new owner’s change to an erratic and unreliable authorisation system is utterly unsuitable for anyone running a professional studio. InMusic are well aware of this and have done nothing at all to fix it.
I take this as an indication that they see their only market as amateur / bedroom/ hobby users who will tolerate unreliable operation.

If this is the case, don’t expect to see significant improvements in any “professional” aspects of the software in the future. S

really? This isn’t true in any sense of the word.

Please explain? A piece of software that may or may not run when it’s booted up, displays random requests for authorisation on startup, forgets that authorisation has already been completed, and whose servers are frequently down, so re-authorising isn’t possible for hours at a time. I have a paying customer with a submission deadline sitting next to me while this happens!
I have a choice, I ditch the software I invested literally £1000 in when it was a market leader, or I lose all my customers.
I think anyone in the same position would find different, properly supported software. S

Have you been in touch with the support team? Servers being frequently down is not a thing I recognise. But there is often a bug in license manager that requires a logout and login again in order to properly connect to them. Maybe this is what you’ve experienced?

Suffice to say, we’re fixing this in BFD3.5 and all indications from the current beta team is that it is much more stable and reliable. Hopefully it will make you happy once it launches.


Some suggestionsperhaps some have already been requested:

  1. Multi-Output Configuration in BFD3: The multi-output options for BFD3 can be inconsistent across different expansions. It would be helpful if the outputs could follow a standard assignment like Kick - Snare - Hi-Hats - Tom1 - Tom2 - Tom3 - Cymbals - Percussion. Additionally, when a multi-output is assigned to a new track, it should automatically disable the sound from the originating output to prevent duplicates and potential phasing issues. Also, for users intending to use external effects, the multi-out setup might not need to include BFD3’s ambient channels.
  2. Reversing Drum Sample Velocity: When importing samples—or even within existing expansions—could we have an option to reverse the velocity curve of drums or samples after creating an imported drum element? Currently, some samples are mapped with velocity 1 being the loudest and 10 the softest, while others are the reverse. This feature would help avoid reworking the entire sampled drum part and allow users to more easily adjust dynamics, such as making a tom or snare part go from quiet to loud. I’m not suggesting reversing the sample itself, though that could be an interesting feature, as reverse cymbals and similar effects are widely appreciated.
  3. Custom Drum Sample Images: While the default images for user-imported drum samples are understandably low-res, could we have the option to create or assign custom images after importing a drum sample? Not everyone has access to software like Photoshop to create a placeholder image, and the need to do so can slow down the creative process. Having a quicker way to assign meaningful images would enhance workflow without hindering creativity.
  4. Alesis SR16 Expansion for BFD: Since you’re affiliated with Alesis, it would be fantastic to see an SR16 expansion for BFD, with proper velocity mapping for snares, hi-hats, kicks, toms, and percussion effects. While BFD is known for its realistic drum kit sounds, many users likely have tracks built around the SR16’s distinctive sounds and would prefer not to replace them with more generic drum machine samples. Although there are plenty of 808s and other drum machines available, an SR16 expansion would be a valuable addition, especially without the heavy effects found in some UVI or other versions.
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Can we get off that holographic drum kit??
maybe some stix as active response,??
or wrap the micro jpegs for custom kits???


Quite possibly the most horrible drum machine EVER made!
I still have nightmares about the one i had for years as the sounds are truly dreadful.

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lol, well the masses who escaped the land of the 808/909 might slightly disagree… but perception is key, I mean I hate the Linn Drum, and ain’t too keen on the Boss …

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I still have my sr 16 and the dm 4. I think they’re fantastic machines for their time.

And it’s very interesting to see likes and dislikes from these machines.

It just goes to show we’re all different in our sound perceptions. And that’s how it should be.

It wouldn’t do for everyone to be on the same assembly line where music is concerned?

Too much of that these days, sadly, very little individuality.


Intersting to see these comments about SR16 expansion, I don’t know what it is and after reading vonfunkentsteins commet i laughed and thought let me stay tge hell away from that, then read murts comment and now I want top investigate this SR16 thing lol

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