When AAX Support?

Drew and team, can we please get an update on native silicon AAX support?


This forms part of a large body of work we have scheduled in for Q1 and Q2 2024. It isn’t a trivial task and unfortunately we cannot just limit our changes purely to AAX; there are widesweeping audio-wrapper changes we need to make to support the latest M1 native AAX.

It is definitely on the cards, it is just a lot slower than we’d all like.

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Nice to hear that you have no interest in Protools users. Makes it much easier to just un install all your software and move along.

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As did I. To tell the truth, their support even pre-In Music, was absurd. I gave plenty of proof of how their track building wouldn’t synchronize properly with PT half the time, and just received “Drew”-isms that amounted to “Huh”. No real support. It had such potential. Toontrack is so much more superior.

So still no ETA?, I mean it’s the only one in my plug-in folder that’s not supported

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It’s really disappointing, hey?

Uh, yes, I understand they are a small company, but I guess there protools aax client base is small, so not a priority

I thought I saw a thread back in April/June 2024 that there was going to be an AAX beta, I sent question to Drew but never rec’vd any info.

I am same situation, 100’s of projects with BFD samples in pro tools over 15 yr period, stuck using Rosetta for everything so can support BFD, so my Silicon Mac experiences 15% less performance all for one plug in.

I have said before if it is money that is the issue, why not add AAX as a feature and charge $100 per user for upgrade to AAX support, especially if we are such a small population of BFD3 Users.

UPDATE: I dug and found this from Drew, I stand corrected, he did respond (my apologies) and it appears 3.5 with AAX support and ‘bonus’ license manager change in the works,

I have to say per my previous post, it feels a bit ‘Christmasy’ just knowing I might be able to run without Rosetta in 25’ : )

Not holding my breath, committing old session to audio :slight_smile:

…but without any specific commitment to when. :frowning: