Cubase 12 will arrive in 2022 and there is a clear announcement that it won’t support vst 2 anymore. Will BFD3 be delivered as vst3?
Bloody good question
VST3 will be unsupported on M1 native Cubase first, the rest will follow later. I’m on M1 now and will definitely need that VST3 version soon as Cubase 12 comes out.
Aaaaand Steinberg drops VST2 completely in 2 years for all their products (Cubase, Nuendo, Wavelab etc.). Which means if BFD 4 comes out as VST 3 in the meantime, a simple upgrade will suffice and all’s well, but if BFD 4 doesn’t come out in two years time, what then? Somehow I don’t think BFD3 will make VST3 in time, or ever for that matter.
Does BFD work in Cubase 12? I am running Cubase 11+ Pro on my PC and BFD is currently working on it. I’m hesitant to upgrade knowing that BFD isn’t going to work in Version 12.
I guess it depends on your OS: You can’t use BFD3 within Cubase 12 on an M1 Mac without running Rosetta. On a Windows PC the VST should work in principal.
Yes, no problem. I’m running Windows 10 and Cubase Pro 12 with latest BFD3 and everything works fine.
Like @guitartom said, the only issue is people running an M1 Mac.
There is this workaround, but it’s not free, but you do get a lot of options and functionality:
Can act just as a VST3 wrapper similar to how jBridge works for 32 > 64, but is also allows chaining, in series or parallel, different types of plugins in different formats and saving as presets similar to Soundtoys Effect Rack, Slates VC, and Waves StudioRack.
DDMF Metaplugin is another wrapper alternative that’s cheaper than Patchwork. Aside from being able to create custom plugin chains within one plugin, I’ve read many people use it with instruments and bump up the oversampling to achieve a better sound.
I’ve used it as a VST3 wrapper to AAX to use BFD2 with Pro Tools successfully, though I don’t think I ever tried routing individual BFD2 channels to the DAW, so I’m not sure if that works, or not.
I hear you. To be honest, the only two pre-vst 2.4 plug-ins that I have and cannot replace at all are wizoo Darbuka and Latigo (laugh all you want), which so far I bridge using jbridge. They are very useful for their niche and I’ll sure be doing some thinking when it comes to them or that future Cubase version, but I don’t know if it’s worth it to get a 3rd party plug-in like that just for those two instruments. I wish Joao would churn out a vst 3 version of jbridge, but it’s highly improbable.
If BFD 4 comes out as VST 3 by then (and the content of 3 and back is still available to use with it of course) it’s a no-brainer upgrade for me. I’m used to BFD. If not… we’ll see. Maybe I’ll postpone my Cubase upgrades, especially if nothing exciting pops up usability-wise.