Hi all!
I have a Roland TD27KV2 which I have gotten to trigger perfectly in SD3. The closest key map I’ve found in BFD3.5 is the TD25 - close enough but the hi-hats are still all over the place and there’s nowhere near as much sensitivity or variation in articulations like in SD3. This is extremely frustrating because I find the overall sound of BFD to be WAY above that of SD3!
Just wondering if anyone has a keymap for the TD27KV2 or if this will be added any time soon?
Roland Modules…for the most part…use the same Mapping.
The difference being…the additional Mapping/MIDI Note assignments for the AUX Inputs.
The BFD Maps also have some differences in the Fine tuning for different trigger/models as the Kits came with different size and different designs as do the modules where you select the trigger/model presets.
You can load different Maps and see if any work better or worse…
See this Topic
I created a Newer Roland Map with the additional (1/8) transitions for the upgraded BFD3 Hi Hat engine,which currently the only Expansion that has the additional 1/8 Hi Hat Artics is Dark Farm
@CHASER Thank you SO MUCH this is a huge improvement and the hi hats are a lot more responsive now. Looking forward to hopefully some updates with 1/8 articulations etc and also maybe some new expansions!