Sweetwater is now selling BFD products once again

So I have waited to get a new serial for 30 hours, and they just sent me another in the same incorrect format, even after I have told them 50 times what the serial should start with!

Yes, they refuse to call saying “Sweetwater cannot make international calls”…

I would add to that “Sweetwater are unable to provide valid serial numbers”…

I will speak to @BFD_Drew to see if he can help.

I just sent an email to my Sweetwater rep asking what product numbers they send out for BFGD 3 expansions. Told him it would be nice to post here on this thread to clarify and to help Dean Mollett out. We’ll see.

His response :slight_smile: Hi Criag

We are waiting for a response from BFD about the wrong codes that they are providing us.

As soon as I hear I’ll let you know.

Glad the guitar got there.

Michael Eads

Sales Engineer, Sweetwater

Call or Text: (260) 247-6290

Office: 800 222 4700 x1298

I’ve sorted Dean out with the correct number, and have also told our sales guys about this. Should be resolved soon I should think!


Yes, @BFD_Drew to the rescue AGAIN! Thank you!! And thanks to everyone for the help and advice.

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Glad it got sorted out but always wonder why the problem in the first place. My Sweetwater rep replied this:
the code you get from us it is a coupon code follow the instuctions

Customer must register the Activation code they received from Sweetwater here:

Then follow the rest of the instructions from the “Register Code with plugivery” section here:


This is the same that I got from audio deluxe and ends up with an Inmusic product number that you can register in the Inmusic license manager.

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Well damn, that explains what the confusion is all about. Maybe OP just missed that part in the email receipts. Thanks for posting that info dude.

Ahhhhhhhhhhh. Now I get it! I wasn’t aware that is how Sweetwater sales worked. Thanks for the heads up.

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thefxchain.com uses the same system with Plugivery as a middleman. I bought an expansion yesterday, but redeeming the code and getting my inMusic expansion serial was easy. No issues.

Sweetwater merged with a WHAT?

I just ordered a few cables from them recently and noticed the new president. I felt it was suspicious. Where is there more info on this?

I can’t stand “investment firms” and laissez-faire capitalism.

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Middleman… Why does everything always have to be so convoluted?

Oh wow, I didn’t know Chuck also stepped down as CEO. Apparently, he’s still Chairman. In all fairness, he has been at it for a long time and at a high level, so I can understand why he might want to let go a bit, to enjoy the rest of his life. He looks like he’s up there.

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Vulture Capitalists bought it… It will go down the chitter like all the other things that get bought up

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This should help ease the pain.
Crank it loud enough till you can’t feel it anymore.