Sonic Reality - Neal Peart Kit

Hi there,

I recently purchased this from esoundz and received the serial number which I used with BFD License Manager and was able to download and install. However, the only thing I see in the GUI which is greyed out is the Neil Peart Kit (0). BFD doesn’t see anything. No kit pieces, kits or presets.

I’m on a Mac: 1st pix is [Documents] 2nd [Library]

I have the kit pieces installed: Documents / BFD Drums / Sonic Reality - Neil Peart Drums
I had to physically move the other folder [Sonic Reality - Neal Peart Kit] from my downloads to the following: Library / BFD Drums / BFD3 / Sonic Reality - Neil Peart Kit / Installer / Payload / System / Kits • Maps • Presets (inside the System folder)

This folder path is different than my Crush expansion path but I also tried to conform the path to the same path as Crush and this didn’t work.

I’ve spent almost 6 hours trying to figure this out and I thought I would seek help from better and fresher minds.

I suspect something is wrong with the folder path but I don’t know what to try.


I have this too, but my installs are all customised so none go to the default BFD folders, I had to mess around a lot with this kit to get it to show up, I had some help from @Fender_Bender with this issue, I seem to recall him telling me he worked around it by placing/creating a new folder for the kits not showing up in the user directory. I also had this issue with the Vinnie Appice kit from esoundz. I am not home right now so can’t check my machine to verify exactly how I got them to show up.

You need to import the BFD2 presets into BFD3. When BFD3 is open go to File>Load Preset From File. From there a navigation window will open, this is where you will navigate to the location of the BFD2 presets. You can find them in the install package here Installer>Payload>System>Kits/Presets/Maps. Once you load a preset, save it back as BFD3.

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And you can always open a ticket @esoundz. Im usually available 7 days a week.


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Awesome, thanks for that, such a killer kit it is.

Hey there,
Thanks for responding! I will open a ticket right now!

Yeah, you have to right-Click the installer to access the payload contents. In there, you will find any preset, kits, grooves, etc. You have to import them and save as new .bfd3 presets so that you can edit and save any changes you make.