Sonic Reality 4th of July Sale!

Let’s kick off our 4th of July Sale early!!

Right now get EpiK DrumS Ken Scott Collection for BFD3 for $99!! If you have a number of the kits now and want to complete the collection, send me an email at allen (at) esoundz (dot) com and we will work out the pricing for the remaining kits!

BOGO is back! Buy any Sonic Reality BFD3 Expansion and get a free BFD3 title of your choice! Email me with your free selection and I will place the serial in your download area.

Also!! Buy any R.A.W Artist or Style Pak and receive a R.A.W. title of your choice. Ex… Buy an Artist Pak, get an Artist Pak…Buy a Style Pak, get a Style Pak. Email with your free selection(s) and I will place them in your download area.

All right here at www (dot) esoundz (dot) com

This sale will run through Sunday July 7th!

Thanks again for your continuing support!


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Awesome! How could I get a copy of infinite player?
Realllly wanting the bonzo and the ring kit!

Any way of getting those kits would appreciated

The Infinite Player has been discontinued. It is a library that works inside Kontakt and because it has been discontinued we can no longer get the required serials from Native Instruments.


For those that are unfamiliar with our R.A.W. paks, those are stereo loops in Rex, Apple Loop and Wave. The same loops provided in 3 different formats.

Are the was samples for these kits included? Or available for purchase?

Thanks Allen. I’ve sent you an email with my existing kits.