(Solved) Noise on Expansion Pack Samples

Thanks Drew, I really appreciate you taking the time to clear this up for me and confirm it’s not my setup, which is a relief.

It all makes sense now, the transients in BFD are great and I think one of the main reasons it feels great to play on my ekit. Which I can’t say for some of the other drum samplers I own, so I wonder if they just went overboard with the denoising. Now that I know that’s the trade off for the noise, I am positive your team made the correct decision to keep the transients intact.

Last night with some quick experimenting I did find the damping and per-voice envelope shaper could get rid of most of the noise as you stated. I also found the articulation vel to damp helpful when set negatively to damp the quiet hits more than the loud ones, which I think would happen in real life too.

Anyway, I think I’ll play around some more later today and see if I can get something going.

Thanks again!