(Solved) Grooves Pack serial number missing after purchase

Hi there @BFD_Drew I hope you can help me,
On Friday I bought a BFD Groove Pack in the Pre-Black Friday sale via the BFD Drums site.
However, I cannot seem to find the serial number anywhere. None of the confirmation emails contain a serial number, the links to my BFD account don’t contain it. All I see is the confirmation of purchase, a pdf link, and instructions telling me to register my serial number (which is not there) on my In_Music account. It looks like this:

Am I missing some really obvious step somewhere that will reveal the serial number to me?

Help please!

Check your spam folder because you will receive your serial # via email. If you just purchased it today, it may take a little time before it gets sent.

I received the emails, but there isn’t a serial number.
The email looks like this:

I would definitely contact support. I checked my emails for my purchases and they look very similar to yours, but my serial is included, just below where it says to download the manual and in red text.

Thanks for checking @Fender_Bender
I have sent messages to BFDdrums and InMusic, but so far I’ve heard nothing back. It is extremely strange.
I would have bought more packs in the Black Friday Sale, but now I’ve worried that I’ll get the same blank emails after shelling out my money. :confused:

Heya, sorry about this. This is definitely one for the support team I’m afraid, I will ping them a link to this thread.


Thank you Drew
Look forward to hearing back

Hi @53mph Sorry for any confusion BFD cart now directly adds your licence to inMusic Profile. I suspect that a different email might have been used in checkout to your registered account, I have checked your registered email on the forum but did not find this order. If you can DM me the order number I will investigate this for you asap and get the licence moved.

I belive this should now be solved but if we can be of any more help please dont hesitate to reach out :slight_smile:

All sorted. Thank you very much for your help.
For others who might find this thread in the forum, when making your purchase, make sure you use the same email as your InMusic email. I used a different one and that’s what caused the problem.


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