As per title, BFD3.5 works. I was looking forward to start replacing BFD 3.4 with 3.5 in my projects, but unfortunately there is a problem.
Once the project loads, a content search begins, and most content puts up a “License” warning. This is strange because (latest, standalone) License Manager is showing everything is authorized. Clicking on the License tabs launches Fxpansion’s LM(!), and it’s understandable that no serial numbers are recognized when entered by hand. Screenshots follow.
License Manager:
In Cubase 14:
After Clicking on a License! warning to resolve the conflict:
After skipping all:
About License Manager (that 3.4 now calls)
Once you’re using BFD3.5, you should be using the new software centre as your licence manager.
The old LM is not compatibel and should be unistalled, BFD3.5 will not run on the same maching as BFD3.4.
If you have the old LM exe file, I would hold on to it in case you need to go back to it for any reason.
They have removed iot from the website.
Whoa, that’s a big caveat! How are we supposed to swap bfd3.4 with 3.5 in our projects then?
I was hoping it would be as easy as “Duplicate Track”, load BFD3.5 on the second track, remove the original BFD 3.4 vst2.4 and then everything would be ok.
Edit: Or are you saying that the project should automatically swap 3.4 for 3.5? Because that’s not the case here, I can clearly see two plug-ins being scanned, one 3.4 - vst2.4 and one 3.5 - vst3.6(?)7(ish?)
If you remove the older vst’s, your projects should just load the newer one. That has always been the case in the past with older builds. If that’s not the case, then report back. That is something that would need to be addressed.
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Really? That’s very interesting, definitely going to try it out tonight! Thanks for the tip!
Yes, your projects will load just fine.
You might need to update some of your libraries, if so, you should see a ‘download’ available in the new software center
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My current situation, after installing yesterday is such:
BFD 3.5 works fine. Everything is authorized, I can see all my grooves my kits etc.
BFD 3.4 works fine with core libraries. BFD1, BFD2, BFD3. When a kit piece belonging to another expansion is used, it brings up the usual exclamation mark in a triangle, and License! next to each path. Trying to reauthorize those fails, because the LM is from waaaay back.
So, with the latest bit of knowledge that you guys offered (many many thanks!) it seems that Cubase is scanning a BFD3 of “who-knows-what-version-from-way-back” and breaks everything.
But now, you got me really excited. It will be pure luxury if the plug-in automatically replaces its previous version!
That transition from BFD2 required the painful process of loading a new version of BFD3 and then reconfiguring the drums for all your projects.
I had something like 140 projects, it was torture.
BFD2 to BFD3 was a complete redesign, BD3.4 to BFD3.5 is not, so your projects won’t feel a thing. 
Yes, BFD3.5 is a drop in replacement for BFD3.4 - your projects will be unaffected. Just make sure that your content is all fully working before resaving anything, because I have seen people not realise that their content was missing, save the project, and end up losing the kit!
This is something we’ll fix in the future.
I’ll just leave some key observations here, in case any one stumbles upon the same problems.
(For example: Can’t find Instrument BFD3 for track BFD3 etc)
1: My projects were probably using 3.2.3
2: Inside my plug-in folder(s) there were both the BFD3.dll (3.2.3) AND the BFD3.dll(3.4.5) in different locations. I don’t know why, but it seems that Cubase preferred the 3.2.3, and that’s what’s loaded on most projects.
3. Looking around, it seems that the 3.5 BFD3.dll ended up in the Common, VST3 folder.
4. I took all previous BFD3.dlls scattered around my plug-ins’ folder paths and threw them in the trash.
5. I moved the BFD3.dll from the Common, VST3 folder to my general plug-ins folder.
And then it worked. It got scanned by Cubase on start-up, and opening an old project had 3.5 waiting in the slot, same kit, same sound, same everything.
At some point I had enshittened the situation sooo badly, that Cubase would crash with a Windows pop-up crash window. Wow.
Thank you guys, you pointed me in the right direction!
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Re-downloading everything at the moment, from “My Expansions” in the Software Centre. I hope that’s the right place.
There were some snags with Wooden Snares for example, they wouldn’t show up. Have they been made into just one folder now? Probably.
Instead of waiting to discover the little problems one by one down the road, I decided to re-download and re-install everything now and be done with it.
@ggmanestraki . . . thanks for this info !
I have Cubase and Cakewalk Sonar . . . my old projects open the BDF3 kits and routing properly in Cubase, but in Cakewalk it does not load the kit and routing, it just loads the first kit on the list alphabetically, BFD Crush (which is not the kit the project used) . . . bummer, because I have a lot of older projects in Cakewalk Sonar, but would have to redo all drum mappings / kit routings
Look. When I finally got BFD to “work” with Cubase (i.e. not crashing, completing auths, looking fine), I stilled noticed that SOME kit pieces would not load at all.
I redownloaded THE WHOLE DEAL except for Dark Farm. That one is a 98GB dowload so it’ll take a few days, I’ll do it another time.
The point is, there have been changes to the content, and even though the expansions are authorized, the content might still not load.
Easiest example is Wooden snares. I couldn’t get the snares ON vesions to play. Once I redownloaded everything, now everything plays ok. (It’s been made into one folder now, there’s no separate snares on/off installers.)
That’s my hunch anyway.
To make sure, I was loading different projects in Cubase. Does it play fine? Yes? Other project. Does it play fine? No? Try and remember which expansion the sounds came from. DON’T SAVE THE PROJECT. Download that expansion and install it. Try again to see if the project plays fine. Etc etc.
Edit: @popitup this answer might seem irrelevant at first glance. What I’m implying is that maybe your Cubase projects are using content that is authorized ok, and your Sonar projects are using some kit pieces that need redownloading. I don’t believe that it could be a Sonar issue. It would be very strange if the same plug-in works fine in Cubase but not in Sonar. Try to remember the individual kit pieces used, and see if you can spot a pattern. Or just redownload and reinstall everything if you don’t want to play CSI: Expansions Content.
Have you rescanned all your contents in BFD3.5?
Also, as a Cakewalk Sonar user, does the Piano Roll View show all the kits pieces from BFD3.5?
I have found the kit piece info has disappeared in both BFD3.5 and BFD Player.
Big issue for me as I only use Cakewalk Sonar.
Someone also posted the same problem with Reaper.
Any news on a fix for this @BFD_Drew ?