I’ve been using BFD3 for a while now and I think it’s great. I do seem to have an issue, though.
When I save a project in Cubase, it saves all the settings from my previous edits. However, when I load up BFD3, it doesn’t say the preset I’ve saved it as, or the kit I saved it as. Am I missing something? Why does it always revert to the top of the list in each column?
Does anyone know how to show the preset and drumkit I was using on the preject?
Thanks for responding. Please see the red highlighted box on the image. This is always the same when ever I open it even though It doesn’t have that preset loaded. It is the same with the kits so I have no idea which kit is loaded. Surely it should highlight the loaded kit and preset?
I thought I remembered seeing another post about Cubase and presets being wonky. Maybe try a search here on the forum.
In BFD Prefs, there is an option to choose which preset loads on startup. Is there a preset selected? Perhaps that is overriding whatever you had saved in a Cubase session? Try leaving the startup preset blank and see what happens.
It does say the preset name but doesn’t change the drum kit name. So I still don’t know what drum kit is loaded.
It would be nice to know what drum kit is loaded so I can check other kits out and then return to the original easily. I have work arounds but it should be easy.
The preset name at the top of the UI is the king here. That is the preset that is loaded. Whatever is selected in the browser can be safely ignored until you choose to load another preset - that goes for kits and drums too.
Thanks for your observations, I hope you understand my issue. Maybe this can be fixed in a further update? I think it has always been this way, I’ve only just let it bug me!!!