Sabian Digital Vault - Manta Rey Ride has no direct signal

When I use the manta rey ride it only creates a signal in the overhead channels. There is no direct mic signal at all. Is this intentional or an error?

Is there a Manta Ray Ride? I thought that was an FX cymbal.

Yeah, it is definitely in there as a kit piece choice

Unzip…replace the 2 files in the Ride Manta Rey Audio Folder with the attached…
Re-Scan the Expansion.
All channels will work including Directs.
If you like… copy/save copies of the originals for backup.
Note that I am not a fan of simple names for Kit pieces “Joes Tom” etc… no one learns anything…
Everything in my Data Base is proper…all expansions have…size…brand…model…beater etc etc…in the Kit Piece Title.

I forgot to mention …if previously assigned/loaded in a Kit…re-assign/re-load it.
You should see “Upgrading”

Ride Manta (1.7 KB)

Ha! Thank you so much - this is my favourite ride! I have since released an album creating isolated overhead work arounds, but this is great. I will 100% be using this. Cheers

No dice my friend. Only appears in the overhead and room mics - no direct signal

I show it working fine in all channels with any preset I load…
Here shown in Modern Retro which has a lot of additional channels.
I would try re-scanning the expansion and reloading the kit piece again…I have no issues at all…acts like any other Kit piece.

Man. This is incredibly frustrating. I literally just got a new music pc and reinstalled BFD3 too. I rescanned. Reloaded. Nothing. I’ll have a look again tomorrow.

Wait. You’re saying you load it from a preset and you have modern retro? I only have the Sabian digital vault so there are no presets with this kit piece. Hmmmm?

That is: all I have is BFD3, Crush, and Sabian Digital Vault

I used a Preset in Modern Retro as an example as it has extra channels…

Here is Crush and BFD3 …just replaced the default Ride in the Preset as I did in Modern retro with the 19 Manta Ray.
No issues in either of those also…

By George I’ve got it!
I had to completely clear the target content folders and add from the root target folder again, rather than simply rescan. Thank you very much for your input here mate, it is immensely appreciated. I now have the full scope of one of my favourite kit pieces in my projects. Cheers