Please help get DrumDrops support for BFD again

Hello all DrumDrop users and all BFD3 users.
As many know, DrumDrops made some very nice expansion packs for BFD. However, after the acquisition of FXpansion by Roli and then InMusic, they dropped support. Many of us would love to see them at least work with the BFD team to make their existing packs compatible with the switch to the in-program licenser, like Player, that will be taking place with BFD 3.5, if not start making expansion packs for BFD again.
We need to start a write-in campaign to DrumDrops. I and many others really like the packs we have from them. I’ll put the support link below to make it easy.

So even if you don’t currently have any of the DrumDrops packs yourself, you can still write and say you’ve heard their packs are really good and have an interest in seeing DrumDrops make expansion packs for BFD again, and at the very least to work with Drew (who has offered to help with the process) and the BFD Team to update the licensing for their previous packs.
And if you do have DrumDrops, well you already have a vested interest in letting them know you’d like to be able to use the packs you bought and paid for going forward with new versions of BFD.

Please take a moment to write them and let them know you want support for their products going forward with BFD, and for updating the licensing at a minimum.

Many thanks!


JFYI - if they send me their packs, I can handle all of the work. They don’t need to do anything other than sanction the work and give us permission to host the files on our servers.


Right. I’m on them.

I’d be really interested in this too. I used the Drumdrops expansions and think they’re very good.

Hello @Terry6120

Please click the contact link and let them know, please! The more of us that write them, the better our chances.

Totally agree. I have 4 of their kits and they all still work fine. Would purchase others should they become available.

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Done. Have the Motown and Memphis kits.

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Finally got around to it. Request sent.

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I just got an email from Drum Drops.

We have recently spoken to BFD and are trying to figure something out that works for both companies. Hopefully this will be sorted soon.


Has this been resolved?! I have a lot of their kits and would love to use them in BFD3

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