I’m setting up a new OS install on a new drive and just ran the LM to discover a message saying, ‘Not Authorized (No License file found)’
I’m assuming it means I’ve ran put of authorizations but normally the message says something to that effect when it’s happened before.
I’ve contacted support and just wanted to speed up the process so maybe @BFD_Drew or someone picks this up first as I’m in a bit of a rush.
Happened to me last Saturday:
”BFD3 has been disabled because:
You are not logged into your inMusic account.
Please run the BFD License Manager."
So I run the BFD License Manager. What happens?
It gives me the following message:
“There was an issue retrieving your list of products.
Our server was unable to process the request. Please try again shortly. Server message: The request could not be authorized.”
So I log into my inMusic account and what happens? Nothing.
I open a support ticket and what happens? Nothing. No ticket verification in my mailbox, no answer from the support.
Anytime I make a hardware change, including memory I try and make sure I de-authorize all my BFD stuff beforehand to not lose an authorization. I’d rather not have to deal with trying to track somebody down to reset them.
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I thought it was due to the new drive but I still got the message after disconnecting the new drive and logging back into the old one.
It’s saying it can’t log into the server.
I just logged out of the LM and back in via the browser.
All seems to be good now.
I suggest others having server issues try the same thing.
Thanks, that worked for me too!
After some mail correspondence with The Support Team, that could not help.