No Mono Channel Shows Up When Routing BFD3 Into Aleton


I am an ableton11 user and trying to routing BFD3 into individual track in ableton.
But it’s weird that there is no st or m shows up only stereo channel with numbers.
I found they can match with the output I set in BFD mixer. But it turns mono output also into stereo which is really annoying.
Hope someone could offer me an solution to this.

Just a stab in the dark here, but have you configured Live’s MONO inputs in
Preferences > Audio > Input Config?

…Perhaps only the stereo pairs have been assigned?


Hi, thank you for answering but I have already turn on all those mono input in setting. I think they are the channel for audio interface, not related to bfd plugin.

OK, good going.

And in the BFD mixer – did you assign its channel outputs to individual mono channels?

Since reading your post I’ve been thinking about this a little, and it occurs to me that I’m not sure that LIVE really ever “represents” tracks in mono.

I also use Digital Performer, and it can “tell the difference” between mono & stereo and responds accordingly when you ask it to.

But I think that tracks in Live might always be 2-channel, and show you a “2-lane” meter even if you’ve set the input to be from a mono source. I just tried this by:

in the BFD mixer, assign OUTPUT of Kick to MONO 1
in live: Create audio track
assign INPUT of audio track to BFD3 (and then) m01-BFD3.
switch audio track to “monitor input”

In my test Live set, the isolated kick sound – routed from BFD “mono 1” with no rooms or anything else (except maybe the amount of snare bleed you’ve set) – appears at the Live audio channel as a two-sided, pan-able signal. Rats.

I guess you can think of it as maybe being “mono two sides” rather than an inherently stereo signal? (Although that’s not why I use mono when I do – and I very often do in Digital Performer, especially with output from BFD3).


I’ve discussed the question of “mono 2 sides” often with an engineer friend of mine, I think the last thing I recall is that we agreed to disagree (he says “it’s the same thing as mono,” me… I’m not so sure, but he’s the professional.)

Thank you for your testing!
But the strange thing is just the m01-BFD3 channel doesn’t show up in my channel selection.
I also watched some other video on youtube and find the bfd channel should normally shows like that in different DAWs including Ableton.

Now that does seem strange… And I’m sure you’re looking in the second dropdown (the one below the main input source selector for the channel, where you get specific with source selection) since you’ve been looking at youtube. And you did select mono outs in the BFD mixer?

Are you on a mac or windows system? (Can’t help you with windows, I’m afraid…)

But as I say, from what I tested, even if you are able to select that mono output source from BFD, Live will still make it “look like” a stereo channel. I think that’s “just what Live does”…


Just following up here, and FWIW –

earlier I wrote:

I’ve discussed the question of “mono 2 sides” often with an engineer friend of mine, I think the last thing I recall is that we agreed to disagree (he says “it’s the same thing as mono,” me… I’m not so sure, but he’s the professional.)

Having considered this a bit more, I’ve decided that my friend is correct. No surprise there, he usually is (only thing is, now I’m going to have to call and tell him so! :upside_down_face:)

Live’s master fader is 2-channel, so it stands to reason that individual tracks would be represented in that way as well. I suppose that from a programmatic standpoint, it’s just easier to do it that way, even though it’s not what you’d expect based upon experience with a traditional recording desk where each channel “looks like” it’s mono.

But considered in a certain way, the master bus is what determines mono or stereo, not the individual tracks. And because the channels on a traditional desk ultimately report to a stereo summing bus, each channel on that desk has a pan pot – something that is so very not mono (even though each individual track on such a desk generally, though not always, represents a single source).

If Live had a true “mono mode,” the pan pots would disappear and the master fader would be single-channel.

Instead, Live offers us the choice for a mono collapse on export (tho it doesn’t seem to offer a mono collapse on the master fader, allowing us to check our mixes in mono in real time. I’m guessing not too many people have been howling for that functionality.)

But I now believe that the point my friend was trying to make was this: the moment you pan an individually-recorded, single-source signal – you’re not talking about mono any more. The individual channel doesn’t determine mono-ness, the mix bus does.

So on a traditional desk, if you run a channel’s output exactly up the middle, then at the master bus what you really have is “mono two sides.”

…Or something.
