In standalone mode, is it possible to route the different kit pieces or mixer channels directly to different outputs of an audio interface, or is a DAW required for that?
If it’s not possible in standalone, how about in Mainstage or Gig Performer?
In standalone mode, is it possible to route the different kit pieces or mixer channels directly to different outputs of an audio interface, or is a DAW required for that?
If it’s not possible in standalone, how about in Mainstage or Gig Performer?
I don’t normally use the software in standalone mode, so I was curious when I saw your question. I just fired it up and found that I can route in the mixer to any of the usual 8 stereo output channels or 16 individually addressable mono output channels on my Yamaha AXR4U just fine. So I think the answer is “yes”. Cheers!
Hey Phileosophos, by chance did you actually connect the outputs on your Yamaha to anything to verify you were getting sound out of them? I found the same thing as you - setting the outputs to mono or stereo outputs in the mixer, but it didn’t actually work for me. No sound comes out of the outputs on my MOTU mk3.
I did get it to work in MainStage though, just not in standalone
I did not do anything more than start the software and see that I could switch things up in the mixer. After reading your question today, however, I launched the standalone version of the software and messed around a bit because you again made me curious about the answer. The results are a bit mixed. The more salient facts I’ve discovered so far include:
So for the record, I can indeed do some routing of individual kit pieces or busses from the BFD3 mixer in standalone mode, but I don’t think it’s nearly as powerful as using it within my DAW where the routing makes much more sense.