Multiple outputs on audio interface

In standalone mode, is it possible to route the different kit pieces or mixer channels directly to different outputs of an audio interface, or is a DAW required for that?

If it’s not possible in standalone, how about in Mainstage or Gig Performer?

I don’t normally use the software in standalone mode, so I was curious when I saw your question. I just fired it up and found that I can route in the mixer to any of the usual 8 stereo output channels or 16 individually addressable mono output channels on my Yamaha AXR4U just fine. So I think the answer is “yes”. Cheers!

Hey Phileosophos, by chance did you actually connect the outputs on your Yamaha to anything to verify you were getting sound out of them? I found the same thing as you - setting the outputs to mono or stereo outputs in the mixer, but it didn’t actually work for me. No sound comes out of the outputs on my MOTU mk3.

I did get it to work in MainStage though, just not in standalone

I did not do anything more than start the software and see that I could switch things up in the mixer. After reading your question today, however, I launched the standalone version of the software and messed around a bit because you again made me curious about the answer. The results are a bit mixed. The more salient facts I’ve discovered so far include:

  1. When I first launched the software and tried assigning a kit piece to a different mixer channel, I saw no difference at all: the only audio I was getting was out of my main L/R outputs.
  2. That’s when I learned something you might find helpful. I opened the audio settings dialog to see what my options were, and when I scrolled down to the bottom of the list of outputs I found an option for “All outputs”. Selecting that changed my results significantly.
  3. With all outputs selected, I found changing the output shown in the mixer routes audio to an additional stereo or mono channel depending on what I pick, but (a) the output is always sent to my main L/R pair as well, and (b) the channel mappings seem a bit weird to me.
  4. For example, my audio interface has eight main 1/4" output jacks, and I find every kit piece always sends to the stereo 1/2 pair no matter what I configure. But if I route the snare to the “Stereo 3” output in BFD3, for example, then the snare signal also comes out of my 5/6 pair on the back of my interface. Stereo pairs 1 - 4 seem to correspond to those main outs. But stereo pairs 5 - 8 send to my ADAT outputs instead in stereo.
  5. As soon as I start choosing the mono outputs, that’s when things get even weirder as those do indeed send audio to the ADAT outputs of my device as well. I find that mapping a bit weird. Maybe it will make sense to others. I would have expected mono 1 - 8 to go to the individual main output jacks 1 - 8, but instead they go to ADAT 1 - 8. Mono outputs 9 - 16 don’t seem to be routed to anything.

So for the record, I can indeed do some routing of individual kit pieces or busses from the BFD3 mixer in standalone mode, but I don’t think it’s nearly as powerful as using it within my DAW where the routing makes much more sense.