Menu selections do nothing in VST plugin

System is Windows 11, PreSonus Studio One 6.5, BFD VST plugin.

When I try to use one of the drop down menus, such as File, Tools, etc. the menu will drop down when I click on it, but none of the items in the menu will respond to me clicking, so I can’t load presets, drum maps etc.

It works perfectly in standalone mode.

Any idea what’s going on?

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Yeah, same settings as you. It also doesn’t let routing, clear kit, no action works after Studio One 6.5 update. The issue is that I tried in Reaper and it works as usual. So we gotta report to Presonus too.

I Have the same problem with studio one 6.5 and BFD VST plugin but with windows 10
BFD Player seems to work.

I also had this problem running Studio One on Windows 10. I am running BFD 3.4.5 build 28 gen.

I am happy to report upgrading to the latest version of Studio One ( Win x64 (Built on Oct 27 2023)) fixed the problem. :slight_smile:

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Have exactly the same problem - but this extends to ALL drop-down menus - including trying to use the filters in the browser on the right hand side. It is SO annoying! Hopefully it will get fixed soon!

I’ll give that a try! Thanks!