Lowest price I've ever seen for BFD3 | $39

Obviously not relevant for existing BFD3 users, but I considered that some that frequent this forum may only have BFD Player and may be interested in picking this up at this price. Even in the event that you have issues with it now, it may still be a good buy because it will allow you an upgrade path to BFD4 in the future… hopefully not so distant. If it does behave for you, then you’ve got some pretty sweet drum samples for only $39.

Plugin Boutique - BFD3 | Black Friday Early Access Sale


“[I]t will allow you an upgrade path to BFD4 in the future” — Are you just guessing about that? There isn’t a single mention of BFD4 or eligibility for future upgrades on the linked page.

I thought that it was touched on in this forum a while back, but can’t find the post. There was an upgrade pricing path for the previous versions of BFD (v1.5 to 2 and 2 to 3). Sure different ownership, or parent company now, so inMusic could say, screw you, pay full price for existing BFD3 owners, but I feel pretty confident that there will be some kind of upgrade pricing for when BFD4 launches based on BFD’s history, as well as every other major virtual drum instrument developer out there.

There is this comment from Drew about BFD Player having an upgrade path, but BFD4 isn’t specifically mentioned. I would assume that since Player is free, that the upgrade pricing wouldn’t be as favorable as having BFD3.

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Personally I wouldn’t care if they make us pay full bag for the next major (BFD4) release. I’ve gotten years and years of quality use out of 2 and 3, and it’s obvious they could probably use the support in order to make the product a success. I’m more concerned about BFD remaining a viable option rather than saving 50 or a hundred bucks or whatever. I don’t know what the margins are on a product like this but I can’t imagine they’re very good. If we want stuff like this it’s important to support it and not try to nickel and dime every last little thing.

I’m willing to be the vast majority of users aren’t hurting for the costs of this kind of software.


It’s more about the principle, rather than the saving money aspect imo. Since the transition to inMusic, BFD3 has been problematic for many long-time users. Both the app itself and the LM have been riddled with bugs and compatibility issues. Offering an upgrade price would be their way of saying, thank you for sticking it out through the very rough transition. We’re glad you stayed and value you as a customer.

Is this latest one for $39 BFD3.5? I just received a lovely looking email advertising sales at BFD…:slight_smile:


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BFDDrums is now offering at $39…Black Friday Sale

ALL of the Expansions are also on Sale…

Looks like while I was prepping an image was deangersmith was posting…


haha cool, good sale, most of them @ £29 is crazy good deals.

maybe. I get the point you’re making but I think at this point it’s pretty clear that this product is not at the same “corporate level” for lack of a better phrase, as something like Superior. So maybe we as users, all just have to realize if we want to continue to use it and have it be around, and grow it back into an industry leader, then we’ll have to make some sacrifices too. Both in “ease of use” and in stepping up to give the sales a boost.
inmusic may be a huge company but I’d bet their patience for shifting money from profitable sides to ones that aren’t, isn’t that great. More likely, if one arm isn’t making money they’d probably just chop it off. So…