Left Handed Drummers

Not that it’s unworkable for southpaws now, but it would be nice to be able to flip the kit for left-handed drummers. It’s just a little unnerving to work with all the kit pieces in reverse order.


I love that idea, being a lefty I have had to play open handed 99% of the time becasue of the time constraints of re-arranging kits at gigs.


As a lefty drummer I have to agree to this and other drum programs don’t have this option.

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I was just thinking the same thing. It would be such a helpful feature to have a switch that could flip the kit and the audio to match the left-handed kit layout rather than having to move every piece’s audio position manually and save the preset to make the sound match the piece’s location.

You can flip the audio in Menu>Tools>Show Preferences…>Engine>Synth Engine>Drummer Perspective. This also rotates the kit picture so is halfway there, just upside down! :slight_smile:

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Thanks destroyhc. Well this is embarasssing. Can you describe where this menu is? I’ve checked everywhere on BDF and can’t seen to find those menu options. I’m on a Mac. Not sure if that makes any difference. I’ve found something like it under the preset dropdown menu. Engine>Perspective>Drummer or Audience but it doesn’t actually change the kit position when I change it. :person_shrugging:t3:

It’s not a solution flipping the perspective, nothing like a left handed kit…

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Sorry, I know it’s not the same, I just wanted to share that you can flip the panning more quickly


Hey no probs at all, I wish we could drag kit pieces into the main window and place them in what ever order we like.

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