FAQ says, “You can load up to 5 floor toms, 5 mid toms, 5 rides, 5 crashes, and so on,” with a total limit of 64. Does this limit still exist?
BFD is 64 Channel Mixer…64 Instrument Slots…by comparison Superior Drummer has 22 Mixer Channels.
The BFD Standalone limit is 64 Mixer Channels.
If you need more Mixer channels you increase the number of instances using the Vst version in either a Vst Host like Gig Performer,Cantabile,Bluecat Audio PatchWork etc for Live use (E-Kit etc) or a DAW and Map the additional Kit pieces accordingly.
Many thanks, Chaser, for the quick response. I was actually more concerned about the 5 of any type limit. Any info on that?
The kit piece channels are interchangeable, if that’s what you’re asking.
Ie, you don’t have to have a snare on the snare channel.
I think I did create a 64 piece kit many years ago, just to see how easy it was.
God knows why anyone would every want one though.
Yeah…it’s a monstrosity if you fill ALL of the Slots in the Mixer…lol
Imagine the resources required at Full Detail…
While there are limits of 5 (1 Hi Hat Only)…There are 23 Slots for Percussion
Here is an Example with the Decatoms Expansion and one of the Factory presets…
ALL 10 using different Tom Slots…