Keymap for 25 key Midi Controller?

Hi, I know Ive brought this up in years past, but I havent got it figured out.

I use a 25 key midi controller, and when I click around on presets, ( BFD Core, Oblivion, Crush, Dark Farm) the arrangement of drums is all over the place (too spread out) and not really use able, or easy for me.

Does anyone have this figured out ? A keymap for 25 keys that can be easily transferred and saved from preset to preset ?

Over the years, I have created one Im comfortable with, but I dont know how to drop it into new presets.

It would be great if in BFD’s " Load Key Map " section, there was an option of " 25 key controller" that had all of the most essential drums arranged within that small footprint.

Or am I missing an easy option to save my own somewhere ?


I use a 32 key controller. It can be confusing, having to use the octave buttons to navigate to the keys you need. I think most of the stock BFD3 mapping covers only 3 octaves.

If you have a keymap already made, do this instead of saving your presets. Load your keymap. Then, un-check Key with the presets pane visible. Your keymap will be retained every time you load a new preset.

I’m not sure what’s changed with v3.5, but click on Keymap view. To the top left of the grid area it will display the name of the current keymap that’s loaded (most likely will show BFD3). Click on that and navigate to your map to load it (assuming the keymap file you made is in your user keymaps location). Make sure the Key button described above is un-checked (white). Load a preset. Your mapping will still be loaded.

I think it’s better to do it this way instead of saving presets with your map because it won’t overwrite the stock presets anyways. It will just save the same preset as a new user preset and then you will have two of the same with different mapping. Un-checking the load Key will be the easiest and least confusing way I think.

Thanks again, I definitely do not have the patience to actually read the instructions.