I’ve been with BFD from the beginning, so please allow me to b*tch briefly. I’ve been fiddling with this for hours, read both this forum and Knowledge Base for some answers, but nothing.
I’ve installed 3.5 and although I have other expansions, for now I’m just wanting access to the Core Library and Expansions Crash, London Sessions, Jazz Noir. All of them are in a BFD directory on a separate SSD drive.
The expansions all work fine. However, the Core Library is having a couple issues. First, in the GUI, each kit (and preset) is listed twice – one entry shows the usual little picture of the kit, and then a duplicate entry shows a little white page with BFD3 on it (and the same kit name). When I attempt to load one of the white page entries, nothing happens – no surprise there. But when I try to load the normal entry, the one with the kit picture, some kit pieces don’t load, and most of them don’t have the little kit piece graphic in the mixer (just a graphic of a microphone).
I’ve reset and scanned the content location numerous times, same result.
I should probably confess here that after I downloaded the Core Library zip file, I unpacked it myself – MUCH faster. Could that be the issue? I sure don’t want to do another lengthy download –