Install to micro SD card?

I’ve moved everything off that I can but there’s still not enough room on my internal SSD for BFD3 library. Plenty of room on my micro SD card, but installer reports 0 gb free. Any idea what’s going on here and any possible fixes or workarounds? I really don’t want to have to invest in an external SSD and then deal with another piece of equipment. Thanks in advance!

You haven’t said what the capacity of your micro-SD card is.

I’ve not head of anyone installing the core library to a micro-SD card so I can’t say if it will be up to speed but you should also be aware of potential problems of using an external USB or micro-SD card. That being that you should always make sure it is plugged in, and in the same slot or else BFD3 will not know where it is.

If you’re short on space and don’t want to fork out for another drive, you have the option of installing the less detailed version at the start of the install.
I think I installed the medium detail on my laptop which is 27.2GB.



Is it formatted correctly?

External SSD’s are dirt cheap. You can find one for $30 that will have enough space for BFD content. You ideally shouldn’t be using the OS drive for any kind of sample library content. Potential bottlenecks and you just put added stress on a system drive.


Very strange that this keeps popping up. I sent it months ago and very soon thereafter got an external SSD. Old news. LOL

Just seen this thread so a bit late to the party.

I’ve done exactly this on my 2016 MacBook Pro with 8gb ram and a 500gb ssd drive. I didn’t have enough space on the ssd to install the BFD3 library so used the micro-sd slot with a 250gb Kingston ssd. I did this many years ago and had basically forgotten it was there and haven’t really noticed any glitches once it’s loaded up a kit, it works fine.

I’m not a power user and my MacBook is normally used for ideas and sketches rather than full blown productions so I just stick to the basic kits with the default settings and it’s been ok.

If you’re using a Mac give it a go, maybe drop the latency in your sound card if you’re having problems.

I mainly use an 2017 iMac and also used the micro sd slot on that for the overflow kits I have (I’ve since rebuilt my Mac and stripped out the stuff I don’t often use as it literally seemed a waste of space to have loads of stuff installed that I’ll never used). Again seems to work fine at 128 latency on my RME UCX.
