Inmusic Software Centre

I just discovered Inmusic Software Centre is available to download and install so I did.
I didn’t get any notification but anyhoo, it seems to be working.

I can see all my BFD Player expansions, (some of which need updating) and all of my expansions (I think)
None of my expansions have any updates associated with them, but they are all showing a download available. I’m guessing if/when the updates for the presets becomes available, they will show up as updates so there’s nothing to be gained from downloading them again.

I’ve also got a whole load of software from air music that can be downloaded, most of which say they are diactivated and a few say I can get an ilok code.

Can I download and use these or demo them?

Some of them look quite interesting.


Not exactly related, but AIR is going to release a new plugin on BF and you can signup to get a free copy, if you’re interested.

I have been getting numerous emails daily…
There is a few of them on Sale for $29


I hope you won’t mind if I jump in here, as I am hitting a rather significant Software Centre speedbump.

I submitted a detailed request for technical support last night and immediately got an (…auto?)-reply that, owing to the nature of said request, I should install Software Centre.

Which I did, and logged in to it successfully.

To my dismay, none of my registered BFD products – not the program, or any of its registered expansions – are showing up there. The app reports “No Products Found” (although it does know about an Akai hardware controller that I also own).

When I tried adding my BFD license by manually entering its registration key (and whoa, is that ever a LOT of characters to transpose accurately) Software Centre helpfully reported that my product registration already exists. OK… so then… where is it?

I haven’t seen any specific announcement that Software Centre (which seems not to work for me, so far) will be replacing BFD License Manager (which has been, and for a long time now).

Also inciting waves of skepticism: the auto-response flogging Software Centre claimed to have been issued to me because my problem involved “downloading or authorizing.”

It did not. The trouble I reported was that one of BFD’s mixer aux channels is suddenly either not receiving signal from its source tracks, or not outputting that signal (and wouldn’t it just HAVE to be the kick drum bus).

Nothing at all to do with downloading, installation, authorization, none of that.

The Software Centre problem might be the result of having one set of login creds for Inmusic and another for BFD (because BFDDrums had its own website, right?). But I can’t log in to Software Centre with my BFDDrums creds, which makes a certain amount of sense — but does nothing to populate SC with my registered software items, AND really, really does nothing to get my kick drum bus working again.

Apologies for venting exasperation, which I realize doesn’t assist anyone, but perhaps others are experiencing something similar.

First item on Xmas Wishlist:
Good ol’, dependable, responsive FXpansion.

BFD is still using the Old Licensing Manager…the Software Center is recognizing the Serial Number that is probably registered to the email address.

Do you have an InMusic Profile?
That is where I see BFD3 registered…make sure you use the same email…

The new software centre is for BFD Player and a whole host of InMusic synths and plug ins, but it works with the BFD3.5 update that’s currently in beta.

They might be scrapping the Licence manager one day I guess, once everyone has updated to 3.5

That said, I still have BFD2 & BFD Eco running and am able to run the old FXpansio licence manager. :thinking:


Good to know, thanks.

Still wondering why I would have received the email recommending that I use SC, however. Guess that ol’ AI needs a bit of higher educatin’!

Thank you for clarifying this.

I do have an InMusic profile – that is how I was able to log in to Software Centre successfully.

And of course I can see BFD registered on the regular website there.

I was confused because I got that email suggesting that I should use Software Centre to address my technical support request (which remains as yet unanswered in any way – even by an auto-responder, I might add) and yet my BFD products are not listed in that app.

Thanks again!

Here’s the link to that free AIR plugin they were giving out for Black Friday. It’s called, Multiband Filterbank. Limited supplies and code expires on Dec. 2 2024. Use code: MULTIBAND2024 at checkout.

I have done several tries already and I have access to inmusicstore Customer Login
However no sight of my BFD licenses!!

Now I am going to my old route of inmusicbrands Customer Login and nothing there!

I hope those are registered somewhere, since I have a few other routes, but it shouldn’t be so convoluted.

////Guessing this trouble stems from being registered by a third party company. How they left that slid when choosing their company name is beyond reasonableness…

Blockquote I have done several tries already and I have access to inmusicstore Customer Login
However no sight of my BFD licenses!!

Now, the afternoon after, came to open BFD3 (still at version 3.4) and logically it asks to open BFD License Manager. It opens and then! “No Authorized (License Invalid)” at all my installed products.
Please Help

Sign out of the License Manager, close it, re-open and login again. This has happened to me before and I suspect that it’s maybe due to their servers not responding. It does suck and is usually back up by the next day.