I hope you won’t mind if I jump in here, as I am hitting a rather significant Software Centre speedbump.
I submitted a detailed request for technical support last night and immediately got an (…auto?)-reply that, owing to the nature of said request, I should install Software Centre.
Which I did, and logged in to it successfully.
To my dismay, none of my registered BFD products – not the program, or any of its registered expansions – are showing up there. The app reports “No Products Found” (although it does know about an Akai hardware controller that I also own).
When I tried adding my BFD license by manually entering its registration key (and whoa, is that ever a LOT of characters to transpose accurately) Software Centre helpfully reported that my product registration already exists. OK… so then… where is it?
I haven’t seen any specific announcement that Software Centre (which seems not to work for me, so far) will be replacing BFD License Manager (which has been, and for a long time now).
Also inciting waves of skepticism: the auto-response flogging Software Centre claimed to have been issued to me because my problem involved “downloading or authorizing.”
It did not. The trouble I reported was that one of BFD’s mixer aux channels is suddenly either not receiving signal from its source tracks, or not outputting that signal (and wouldn’t it just HAVE to be the kick drum bus).
Nothing at all to do with downloading, installation, authorization, none of that.
The Software Centre problem might be the result of having one set of login creds for Inmusic and another for BFD (because BFDDrums had its own website, right?). But I can’t log in to Software Centre with my BFDDrums creds, which makes a certain amount of sense — but does nothing to populate SC with my registered software items, AND really, really does nothing to get my kick drum bus working again.
Apologies for venting exasperation, which I realize doesn’t assist anyone, but perhaps others are experiencing something similar.
First item on Xmas Wishlist:
Good ol’, dependable, responsive FXpansion.