Writing a Software Bug Report
When reporting bugs in the Bug Reports area, please be sure to use the provided topic template. The template will already be in place when creating a new topic in that area.
- BFD Version
- Steps to Reproduce:
- Expected Result:
- Actual Result:
- Reproducibility:
- Additional Notes:
- Link to Video Repro:
Description (Topic Title)
Create a descriptive title for your post that details the unexpected behavior.
BFD Version
This is the BFD version number.
Steps to Reproduce:
The exact steps required for a bug to be reproduced consistently. This must be direct with no superfluous steps listed as order of operations. This is vital in determining if something can be reproduced.
Example of a good repro:
- Open browser.
- Load sample.
- Press preferences menu button.
- Set Cue Play mode to Toggle.
- Open Track Edit menu.
- Press and select an empty pad.
- Browse using drop-down sample menu.
The example above outlines in detail, the required steps that lead to the bug behavior.
Example of a bad repro:
- Load a sample.
- Set a loop.
- Save the loop.
The example above fails to outline important details required to easily reproduce the bug behavior without requesting further information.
Expected Result:
What should actually be happening if everything is functioning correctly?
Actual result:
What is the unexpected behavior are you experiencing? This is often the same as the topic title.
How often do you encounter the bug behavior? Every time you perform the repro, 3 out of 10 times. A bug that cannot be reproduced cannot be fixed. Please consider this before posting a topic for a bug you cannot reproduce easily.
Additional Notes:
Are there any caveats for this to occur. Does it only happen after first install/boot? Does it only happen if this 3rd party device is connected? Does this happen for media, streaming services, or both? etc…
Link to Video Repro
Consider including screenshots or video of the bug to help support your report.
Please Consider the Following When Writing Bugs
Search the Bug Reports area to see if another member has posted the same or similar issue. If so, add any valuable information to the original post.
Make sure that the reproduction listed is the simplest way to encounter the issue. If your repro has many steps, try to find the simplest scenario in which the bug occurs before posting the issue.
Provide as much information as possible in the initial bug post. Try to avoid anyone having to ask questions about the bug.
Write additional repros in the comments of a bug topic. This leads to the bug post becoming large and its purpose shifting. This makes it incredibly difficult for developers to resolve the issue and for testers to pass or fail the issue in the future. Assume that what caused one issue causes another, leave it to the developer to determine whether the bugs are actually the same as one another.
Post duplicate issues.
Post multiple issues in a single topic. Please create a new topic for each individual issue.