How are BFD3.4.5 users affected by the 3.5 update?

I’m still on High Sierra. I can’t update due to the new system requirements. I’m happy with 3.4.5 anyway.

Will the current LM continue to work moving forward?
Is buying existing/ new expansion packs now out of the question?
Anything else I should be concerned about?


Yes, the current LM should work.

I’m running a windows dual boot system with 3.4 on one partition, and 3.5 on the other.

I’m also running BFD2 and BFD Eco using the old fxpansion LM :slightly_smiling_face:


What about BFD 1? :slight_smile:

Very useful for when you want to load ‘tom sets’ (I still miss that feature).

Also I believe it was the first virtual instrument to use AI … that French (?) guy who used to control the amount of swing in grooves.

My god - I just realised there must be some BFD users who weren’t even born when BFD1 came out. That’s insane.

Anyway thanks re: LM

Anyone know if current/ future expansion packs will require the update?

Also I guess I should ask - is 10.14 literally the min requirement now, or is it just the lowest officially supported OS?

I did briefly have a coy of BFD1 but I can’t remember if the kit pieces were listed in cakewalk’s PRV. I was a young man back then. :sob:
