For Windows use MIDIOX
You will need to select MIDI Device (Options > MIDI Device) and as you move the Hi Hat pedal…strike the pads etc it will be displayed.Under Action you can stop and clear the display etc
Here is an image of a test I just did for the Realhat with the STRIKE Multipad using a converter so that the SMP would send CC4 to Vst…
The Notes I assigned for testing are General MIDI and should be close to what the Surge Module puts out…46-open…44-pedal…21 Splash…so your display should be similar.
You would then take a screenshot
I loaded the Surge Map in BFD Player v1.2 using a STRIKE Module remapped and a Realhat pedal and it worked fine.
I haven’t used the Player in awhile…the one thing I did notice was upon startup the HH started with the Closed articulation and after I pressed down on the physical pedal it opened.It didn’t do it while changing presets…only on startup (STRIKE Map also)
After startup Multiple times with the same map…HH starts up open…including changing maps…
After startup if I load a new map…the HH starts off Closed…so I dunno (Technical Term).
On another note…there is no Splash.I checked the Splash in Dark Farm BFD3 …15 Zildjian K Light and 16 ZILDJIAN K Sweet …the Splash articulation is the same as Pedal for both under the Drum Auditioning Window.
I attached an update Surge Mesh SE Map…it is named -2 to preserve the original.
This map has been set to variable, all 8 zones,Splash assigned to Open and was missing the 1/2 Open Note assignment.
There are also a couple MIDI note assignments that don’t belong to the Surge Mapping.
the Surge and Surge SE use the same module and mapping.
Unzip copy to
Windows …C:\ProgramData>BFD Drums>BFDPlayer>System>Maps.
macOS Library>Application Support>BFD Drums>BFDPlayer>System>Maps
See if any improvement…and especially if it will Splash.
I got everything working quite well and consistent including the Splash with the STRIKE/Realhat Pedal Combo.The STRIKE Module was programmed for FSR…not a Variable/Membrane/Linear Softpot Pedal.
Alesis Surge Mesh (1.3 KB)