Happy Holidays from eSoundz!

Sonic Reality Expansion titles are on sale from now through the end of the year!

Individual Expansions are $25

Ken Scott Collection is $99

For those that already have some of the kits from the Ken Scott Collection and want to complete it, you can email me at allen(at)esoundz(dot)com and we can work out a deal for whatever remaining kits you may want/need.

As always, thank you for your continued support through the years and have a great holiday!!



Happy holidays Allen. Thanks for keeping the deals coming and supporting BFD.

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Good morning, is what you write also valid for today December 27, 2024?
Also is there any news if they will be compatible with the future BFD3.5 upgrade? Thanks

Yes, the sale goes through the end of the year. And regarding 3.5, yes they will be compatible.

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