Groove Editor: Rename articulation lanes or Acoustic Feedback?

“What kind of useless request is that?”

Well, I snagged the Percussion expansion yesterday. While the sounds are phenomenal, as expected with any BFD expansion, the workflow is killing me a bit.

It’s ok to remove all drum slots and mixer channels, with the intent to build a new kit (e.g. conga, tumba, bongos, maracas, clave, campana)

But to write any groove, the articulation names don’t offer any meaningful info. And if I decide to go by ear, I can’t seem to find any way to quickly preview the articulation.

(Without having to select the drum and resort to the left panel’s preview section I mean)

So is there any modifier we can use or something, in order to quickly listen to the articulation slot, without having to paint something and then play the groove?

It’s possible that I am just missing something.

If I understand right, you can by enabling ‘Preview Events during editing’ in the Tools menu un Groove Editor :slight_smile:

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Peeeerfect! Thank you @destroyhc!

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