I thought I’d revisit BFD 3.4 to see if it was any better then when it initially migrated from FXP…unfortunately not.
I can’t load any BFD2 presets without an immediate crash/dump and a request to restart.
I’ve tried a reinstall but that obviously didn’t help. BFD2 kits load ok but not presets.
I also noticed that it’s started to give me a error on my BFD2 data folders…and yes @BFD_Drew provided London/Eldorado but it previously scanned the BFD2 folder just fine so something changed.
If I remove anything BFD2 from the content (and therefore missing half by kits/presets) I can get things working ok-ish. Of course I’m missing lots of my content (going back to BFD1)
FWIW I still have the FXP standalone and that works fine apart from not seeing the licences for the new expansions.
The whole situation is pretty tragic IMO and I wish I hadn’t bothered migrating - support don’t answer of course any clues on what to do ?
also I notice the crash happens if I have ‘kit’ selected but NOT ‘mixer’ when loading the preset…if you make sure you select both it’s much more stable…although not 100%
I’ll see if I can PM you a crash log
none of this explains the ‘new’ licence error of course - which I definitely didn’t have last time I tried to get the new BFD3 working.
I assume you know that The London Sessions is missing some of the stuff from BFD2? meaning presets don’t always load successfully (even when they don’t crash bfd!)
There shouldn’t be anything missing from London Sessions from BFD2. I think one cymbal had a name change back in the day, but that was a super old fix from back when London Sessions was first released.
Some are not. I reported the server down the other day. Tech support got back and said this was caused by my having an older version of BFD3 and the LM. Needless to say, not correct, and not a very useful response.
Original support doesnt’t reply… Ok. So I have original licensed BFD2 library but… I have to pay for London Sessions to own BFD2 library again? Is it a joke?