eSoundz Black Friday Sale Starts Now!

Now at eSoundz, the Black Friday Sale!!! All this week through Sunday 12/1 you can purchase ANY BFD3 Expansion title for $25. The EpiK DrumS Collection is $99!! All at www(dot)esoundz(dot)com. Again that you for all your support through the years!! Please feel free to share this info on any other forums you may be visiting!


eSoundz Support


Will these be supported in the upcoming, currently in beta, BFD 3.5. Checking because apparently my Drumdrops kits won’t be.

Yes, we are already working with Drew. I am not sure it will work in the beta version but it will work in the final version.

eSoundz Support

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Thanks Allen, that’s reassuring.

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I’m a BFD3.5 beta tester. I just bought the percussion pack yesterday and I can report that it installed smoothly and has been working fine. A few days ago they notified us that all packs are now compatible. If you think about it, that would be a horrible public relations problem if a new version wouldn’t work with all the packs that had been sold in the past.


I want to be a BFD3.5 beta tester, please. Actually I feel like I already am. If you need the help, I have lots to say. :thinking:


This is the form I received long ago from BFD for beta testers. Not sure if it’s still active, or if they’re still accepting testers, but you can try.