Downloaded with Errors

I’m trying to download BFD3 but I keep getting the same error “BFD3 Updated (With errors). Downloaded: 0.0/74.3 MB | 2 files failed to download properly”. Can anyone assist with a solution?

This tends to happen frequently. It’s probably just a bad server connection on their part. What has worked for me is, X’ing out the download (it leaves the downloaded audio in place). Closing the LM and downloading the update again. Repeat as necessary, which is like every time. It will scan for already downloaded content and resume.

I’ve done this like 10 times to download an expansion and it came out fine every time. It can be painful to download larger expansions like the core library, but if your patient you’ll get it done right.

This is currently happening to me. And it won’t even let me X the download. I had a remote session and the guy took control of my 2016 MacBook Pro and did something. He moved so fast I couldn’t keep up with what he did. The software then downloaded but I got all those yellow exclamation marks around the drum sets. I uninstalled/reinstalled software and have been stuck ever since. Still waiting for a response from BFD Support.

Under the Tools menu in BFD3, goto, Set up content locations and remove whichever expansions are giving you the yellow triangles. Now, re-add the path again. Perhaps you’re using a different location or drive to store BFD3 content than previously? Ideally, all of your BFD3 content with their own top-level expansion folders should be inside a single parent folder, i.e. BFD3 Content → BFD3 Core Library → Dark Farm (ex.). That way when you need to rescan, it will search for any content inside that parent folder when you choose it. Helps keep everything organized.

I finally found my mistake. I was directing BFD3 to the wrong location. Once I redirected to the correct location, it downloaded fine. I am back up and running. Thanks for your response, EJV