Can someone help me with this? I’m getting a notice that the latest version of BFD3 is 3,5 in inMusic Software Center with a 46 GB download of the core library whereas License Manager is telling that I have the latest versions of both BFD (3.4.5) and the core library. Whish is correct? I do not want to go through the hassle of DL’ing 46 GB for nothing (we have pretty slow connections here) and possibly confusing that which is otherwise working well.
Basically LM has been retired. It is no longer available for download on the Downloads page. Software Center appears to be fully functional now and is the new official means for accessing software and expansions. As has been previously announced, 3.5 has soft launched after months of beta testing and should officially launch in a few days. So you should use Software Center to get the latest of all components.
Just a word of warning to any Cakewalk/Bandlab users out there who are about to upgrade to the new BFD3.5. Make sure you keep a copy of the old Licence manager and maybe the BFD3.4exe.
The new BFD3.5 does not communicate with the Cakewalk piano roll and give all the kit piece info like it always has done.
I have reported this as a bug and hopefully it won’t be long before they resolve this issue.
For me, this is a huge deal, it means I have to spend hours going the the tedious procedure of creating drum maps for every different kit I use, or create.
Luckily, I’m running a dual boot set-up so I can still test BFD3.5.
Due to the fact I’d deleted it thinking it has to be the new version, I installed the new version of Core library. I can’t ascertain from experience with it specifically, but there has been one difference in expansions that I did not download new versions of to the new version: a picture of a black bar or the like so that in Preferences instead of ‘image not found’ there’s that.
There is an older “rock tambourine” and drum cases added to Core library past that. One doubts this affects function at all. But as a factual matter the expansions I already had installed are A-OK in 3.5.
Is this wise to do in the middle of a project meaning does it wipe the existing software clean and then install it again somehow, affecting data needed being used in current projects? Can I download software center and the download BFD3.5 when I wish? What about existing favourites or user presets? are the user presets the same as BFD3? Should I somehow back those up before downloading 3.5? When you say create a backup, What would I be backing up exactly? I’m not sure how. Would I just duplicate the relevant Data folders? The ones that contain favourites or user presest?
There’s been a lot of meta-data fixes and bug fixes in the expansion packs. If you have the bandwidth and time, I encourage you to redownload and reinstall all your packs.
For some reason, today I rec’d notice of most of these emails all at once. Thank you all for the comments!
I did DL the new soundset with the rock tambourine and Yamaha cases. The download became stable, so when it did work, it took only one attempt.
Steve, no, at the time I wrote, I think I had pretty much gotten BFD3.5 to work. Sorry for the confusion.
The biggest bug that I’m finding now is that the buzz/drag stroke on many snare drums does not cutoff consistently when a single stroke (sidestick, rimshot, etc.) is applied in BFD3.5. I first found it on Signature Snares vol.1, Sleishman Snares, and Modern Drum Snare Selects. This does seem somewhat velocity contingent (for the single stroke): if the velocity of the single stroke is less than the drag stroke’s velocity, it seems less likely to initiate a cutoff. This was never a problem in BFD3.4.5.
Drew, this issue does seem remediated by redownloading the affected expansion. I just downloaded Sleishman Snares again and there was no improvement in the redownloaded snares.