What’s your opinion about Crush drums? Im interested specially for the cymbals.
How do it works with electronic drums? Im currently using Dark Farm and Oblivion but i feel oblivion’s cymbals sound quite low compared to the rest of the kit. In some present i Can barely hear them while playing. Im afraid i could have this same problem with Crush drums.
Click on the Cymbal or Mixer channel for each cymbal…
Under the Tech menu you can raise the trim up to 6db or click/turn on “Loudness”…as soon as it’s on it will jump up…starting at 50% in Dynamic Range.
You can then adjust the range,curve and Velocity/Dynamics to suit your needs…
Don’t forget to Save…
I’ve used Crush on my last couple of projects. It’s a great expansion… possibly underrated. The toms are maybe the thing that turns people off, but they do add a unique sound to the kit and in the context of a full mix, they don’t seem so odd.
The cymbals sound good. Very clean sounding. Usually cymbals can have some frequencies in the mids (woofy/honky sounding) that build up and need to be filtered out, but I didn’t notice it as much with the Meinl. And there is a lot of variety with the stacks.
I’ve used Oblivion recently and I didn’t notice any issue with the volume of the cymbals overall, but with almost every expansion, there is usually one or more kit pieces that need to have their volume trimmed to balance with other kit pieces.
Kit/Preset …Instrument/Kit piece “Edits”… must be saved as a Processed Preset.
You will be given the option…when saving… to rename and place in the proper Instrument Folder…Cymbal,Hi Hat, Kick,Percussion,Snare,Tom…It will have a .bfd3custkp suffix.(Custom Kit Piece)
You then select the Kit Piece in the Kit View or Mixer… go to the DRUMS menu…under “Processed” and then select/replace the Kit Piece/Instrument with the Processed one.
You then save the Kit…or Preset with the Saved changes/edits.It will then become a User Kit./Preset.
The next time you load the User Kit/Preset (even after shutting down/restarting) the settings will remain.
No you don’t have to do all that. What he’s talking about is if you want to save changes to a specific kit piece that has been edited. When you save a kit, I believe it only retains what kit pieces are being used… no kit piece tweaks (Tech/Model), or mixer settings. A Preset will save the kit used, the tweaks, mixer, grooves and map. I only ever save Presets, that way I know I have everything if I need it.
As with all advanced software there is a learning curve…repetition is key.The more you become familiar the easier it gets.
As Fender Bender posted…saving a preset includes Tweaks.(I always post “Don’t Forget to Save”)
The Tweaks are only saved in that preset.Tweaks are not Globally saved or applied unless the preset is loaded.
Every time you change a library/preset you’ll have to re-do the settings if you load the particular Kit Piece(s).
BFD samples are “Raw” and often referred to as either Pure or Processed.
If you do a lot of tweaking to a specific Kit Piece or multiple Kit pieces…like a set of cymbals as you mentioned in your 1st post “i feel oblivion’s cymbals sound quite low” and don’t want to spend time remembering/re-doing all the settings (especially frequently used Kit Pieces) everytime you change a library/preset or every session started with a different kit and want to use those cymbals… a more permanent solution is to save as custom Kit piece(s) “processed” and load/replace in the kit/preset you have loaded from whatever library you choose.The majority of e-drummers want to spend their time playing not Tweaking a Kit piece or pieces everytime it’s loaded into a different preset.
Oblivion is a good example. It has 4 cymbals with Pure and Processed versions of each.
You would be spending a lot of time Tweaking the Pure version of the Cymbal set to the Processed version whenever you loaded into a different Preset,experimented with different libraries etc.
Creating your own Processed Kit Pieces is a time saving option.
as always…Don’t Forget To Save.
What I found easy and useful, is once you have a Preset with all your tweaks, FX, Aux channels and routing how you like it, use that Preset as a master template for other kits. Then you can load just a new kit only onto those tweaks and mixer settings and have your workflow ready to go. It’s not perfect, as different kits will have specific ambient channels, or more kit pieces than your first template kit, but it gets you in the ballpark.
That’s why I also save individual mixer channels as presets, so I can easily load one if it’s a kit piece channel not in my main mixer template.
I’ve never experimented with saving processed kit pieces though. It’s interesting and might be useful in some cases, though I find you tend to have to refine kit piece tweaks slightly anyways, depending on the project and drum MIDI.
No problems…
I even took a Preset that doesn’t have a China…Clouds from Smoke.
Added the only China (other than a stack) in Dark Farm…Processed it Trim = 0…
opens as a normal Preset does.
Your definitely doing something wrong…save the processed kit piece first…then save the preset.
It’s the same process as normally loading a kit piece only your loading a Processed Kit piece then saving.
I have the breaking point preset as a default preset when i load BFD. I use the Q drum kit with the breaking point preset.
I cleaned some slots because i only need the two crashes, ride and china. The china is to loud for my taste so i turned the trim down, then saved it as procesed instrument, swap the kit’s china with rhe procesed china. After that i open and close and everything is back as it used to be before…
After you “swapped” with the processed China…did you save as a User Preset?..
You state you open and closed…you must save as a Preset.Then load that Preset
No, i didnt save as a preset. Now i did and it worked.
So, Everytime i change a kit settings and instruments i must save as a preset and not as a kit?
It only works when i use the preset. If i want to use my preset with a DW kit, the china will sound very loud again. I just dont get it, i must be some kind of idiot or something.
Most of the time i use the preset i created with the Q Drums kit but when i use it with another kit the settings will go back as they were before.
One more question…why cannot see my preset on dark farm’s preset list? I Can only see it o. The users section presets.
Load the preset that has your settings saved with the Q Drums kit. Then load another kit (not full preset) of your choice, or swap kit pieces individually by right-clicking on each piece in Kit view. Then you have to save that as a new preset. This always works for me and is how I retain my mixer/tweaks settings to use with different kits, but I’m not sure how this applies to when using Processed kit pieces.
Any user-saved presets save to the users presets library. You can then right-click and move them to a different library, but any time you make further changes to the preset (and save) it will be saved under users again. So you can move your saved Q Drums user preset to the actual Dark Farm library if you want. Don’t forget that you can also add a preset, kit, groove to a favorites list. That way you have quick and easy access to the ones you use the most.
I used to have problems/crashes trying to move user presets to other libraries. I think the latest build was supposed to remedy that, but I’m still using the previous build.
They control what is actually loaded when you load a preset. If you disable the ‘Kit’ button for example, it will only load the mixer, the grooves, the keymap and automation map, and the global settings. It wouldn’t actually change any drums.