Content path nightmare again

@Steve63 He only has the Sleishmann Drums expansion, not the Snares. However, the expansion he has, says that it includes a low-detailed version of a snare, but it is not being installed, nor in the actual installer for Sleishmann Drums.

Ah right, it seems it didn’t get added to the installer, it must have been repackaged since I got it.

@Troemmelchen, I just downloaded the drums from the LM and I can see there’s no snare in the payload.

Have you contacted support or sales about this?

Either it’s a web page error and it was never supposed to be included or more likely they haven’t updated the installers.


I recall a post in the past, about another older expansion that was supposed to include a low-detailed snare and it wasn’t in the current installer. This definitely should’ve been ironed out by now, for all expansions that are supposed to include a “bonus snare”.

Yes I did. But no answer yet.

Ohhh wait you’re totally right, I haven’t tried installing my expansions from the new LM yet. I have a second, unmigrated account still on FXPansion where the “Bonus Snare” installers are separate from the main library installer.

Hi snplmn,

seems this is what is missing. Migration from FXPansion to inMusic incomplete. Meanwhile someone from the support contacted me. Waiting again.

I will be addressing the bonus kitpieces soon.

Last reply by Sam, 22.11.23 with “I’ll be in touch soon with an update”. Last reply by BFD_Drew, 9 days ago. Nothing since. 100% paid but not 100% delivered. The monetary aspects are rather small though. But it’s the principle.

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Complained again, because nothin of what they promised happened. Got an answer, 04.12.23. Sorry bla bla. 08.12.23, nothing, like since from the beginning.

Update: 12.12.23 nothing
Update: 13.12.23 nothing
Update: 15.12.23 nothing