Calling all Line 6 users

Just wondering if there are any Line 6 users here.
I’ve been trying for the last few hours to access their site but am getting the, ‘we’re unable to access that site/server’

I’ll try again tomorrow I guess but I’m just wondering if anyone else is able to.



Seems fine now. Got on the site, logged into my account, and see my stuff there. So hopefully a little glitch with their servers they’ve fixed now?

Weird, it’s still saying server not found when I try to log into the their website and my line 6 licence manager gives me an error code too.

I’ve filled in a support ticket so will see what they say.

I’ll see if I can log in from my laptop


Sounds like it’s something on your computer. Can you connect to other websites OK?
Checking the laptop is a good next step.

Whatever it was, it seems to be working again now.

Possibly coincidental, but it happened just after I launched surfshark and my system froze so being the impatient fool I am, I did a hard reboot.

Just turned it all back on and surfshark was just trying to update.


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Hey Guys how you doing? Apologies for jacking this post but I couldn’t help it, I saw line6 and then remembered this freebee from Aurora DSP released a few days ago, it’s a bit of fun nonetheless.


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That’s funny. I actually just sold my POD 2.0 last year. I still have POD Farm and a TonePort to authorize it and I use that for system audio. Like a having a big volume knob instead of the digital buttons for volume.

Thanks for sharing that!

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no probs bro, I heard some demo’s on the tube, doesn’t sound too bad

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Who would have thought it?

An amp sym of an amp sym. :rofl:

I did have the Pod 2 but gave it to my friends son who was just starting out making music.
I upgraded to the Pod X3 Live which I still use.



I got the HD500, but turns out it was right before they released the HD500X. That chafed a bit.

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I have considered upgrading to either the HD500 or 500X but quite a few reviewers I have seen said for the price, I don’t get a lot more than I already have with the X3 so I’m sticking with it.


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Yeah, then they got greedy big time with Helix. I couldn’t believe it was TRIPLE the price of the HD500X.
I wanted one, but there was no way I was shelling out that much.

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I had a Spider amp and a pedal which I can’t remember the name of, the model before the X3 Live, I have an X3 Live but it’s in Canada at my brothers place. You made me laugh - an amp sim of an amp sim, I didn’t quite see that immediately!