BFD3 Crashing OS X Big Sur

BFD3 3.44 on OS X Big Sur crashing no matter what i do. Standalone & plugins. Very frustrating

I’m running it on Big Sur and it’s fast when starting Standalone and in DAW, same on Monterey. Is it a new install or was it working ok yesterday?

It crashed this morning after adding a new expansion pack and continues to crash even after deleting and reinstalling.

Hey Steve,
Could you post the crash log report that OSX pops up with?


Hello Drew,
Attached is crash log.

BFD3 Crash Log.txt (77.4 KB)

Right. Could you try something for me. Could you navigate to this folder on your machine:
/Users/ [USERNAME] /Library/Application Support/BFD Drums/BFD3

Delete everything inside there, and then re-launch BFD3.


Hi Drew,
That worked. My only other question is why only BFD appears as installed product in my license manager? It used to show al my expansion packs etc. Those do appear on the registered products tab

Hey Steve, there’s currently a design flaw in BFD3 where it doesn’t inform the License Manager that products should be tagged as “Installed” - so in cases where you haven’t actually run the installers, and have only added your data-paths, everything will authorize and load as you’d expect, but it won’t be tagged as installed in LM.

We’re gonna fix this in the future. But as long as everything is working, you should be good to go!

Really appreciate your help. Thanks Steve

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