BFD3.4.5.28 Release Notes

BE great to be able to get back into my projects without having to change the kits I used.

I agree with this completely. I’d really just appreciate a timeframe, or even a bit of information if the beta testing revealed stuff that’s introduced extra delays. The lack of communication is genuinely disappointing.

Heeey gals and guys! Long time no see! I hope everyone’s doing well.

When Cubase 13 came out, I saw a fingernail rising over the horizon, but I couldn’t make heads or tails of it. But now that 14 came out, it’s finally really obvious. It’s a huge middle finger!

Are we getting there with VST3 support or BFD4? I really loathe going through all my projects and making presets to use with Audiogridder or such.

VST3 support is on the way for a BFD3 update.


I really hope so. It’s been a very long time since this was mentioned as a possibility.

Not been able to use BFD3 properly with Cubase in a long time.

Can you provide a timeframe on this and the AAX Apple-Silicon Native version please?

Drew, is there any update on Native AAX support, we are getting close to 2025, I had heard there was a beta back in the April 2024 time frame. Can anyone share what the update is?

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I desperately need VST 3 support.

All I can say right now is, it will launch soon. We’ve had betas running for some time, and we are getting everything in place for a BFD3.5 launch - it will have full M1 support, VST3 support, AAX, etc etc. It kills off BFD License Manager, and instead implements a similar authorization mechanism to BFD Player.


Absolutely looking forward to all these improvements - but when is ‘soon’? Can you be any more specific? “A week”, “a month”, “by the end of Feb 2025” would all be much more descriptive responses and enable some planning. I’ve so far avoided jumping ship, but it’s getting harder to stay onboard.

This forum is a daily-check for me at this point, which may be a little pathetic, but I’m still here, and very enthusiastic about having BFD catch up to where I’m working. Pro Tools hasn’t needed Rosetta since March 2023, and BFD is the last thing on the list.


Yeah, same here, BFD is the only one that’s not supported protools AAX, any eta would be nice

I hadn’t been checking for months, and here I see that there were “new version soon” comments months ago, and yet…

This is like waiting for nuclear fusion reactors; “soon!”

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Any updates on this? Got a project currently under-way which would really benefit from realistic drums. Can’t use BFD in Cubase though. :slightly_frowning_face:

The silence is remarkable, don’t you think?

It is kinda strange that it’s gone pretty silent here. Drew used to chime in every now and then. I did see one of the beta liaisons on a recent post. I wonder if they’re ditching the last update and moving on to BFD4 instead? From a business standpoint it makes more sense, as you’ll force more users to pay for an upgrade for modern compatibility.

…and eliminate the overhead of needing to squeeze an Intel AAX/VST shaped code block into an Apple Silicon shaped hole. Not to mention all the problems with the license manager.

In all honesty, I’d personally be onboard if that was the case. Regardless, I think we’d all just love a timeframe, some communication. :confused:

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Nope. Just busy with a few other projects now - I’m no longer explicitly BFD!

The BFD3.5 update is still coming.