BFD 3.5 - create drum map from instrument broken in Cubase 14

Just to clear it out of the way - had big issues with previous License Manager, got an email to download directly from the InMusic software app. Updated the app to 3.5 and solved that problem I was having . . .

Now when creating a new drum track, I’m unable to “create drum map from instrument” within Cubase (using 14) - it’s greyed out. All I can do is get a GM map which is NOT what I paid for . . .
As a result, my previous projects are broken in some manner (some worse than others) and I’m not a fan of hand-creating a map. Speaking of older projects - I often save drum maps with the projects as a just-in-case or if I’ve made minor adjustments to the map. I’m able to load those but the map is all screwed up.

Wondering if anyone else has experienced this and has a workaround - I’ve put in a ticket but those are slower than snail mail.

I’m not sure if you are in the beta testing group or not, but I just wanted to mention that I also use Cubase 14 pro and have no problem with creating, saving, and using drum maps. In fact, I use drum maps close to 100% of the time. Those are created and saved within BFD.

Unfortunately, it looks like you’re right Joe. It’s just greyed out. What a bummer, it was a great feature.

3.5!? Have I missed something? is still showing as latest in the license manager.

Sadly I have similar problem in Reaper.
In midi editor I have no bfd3 instruments names. Old version used some magic and there was map list for all drums and different articulations.
I am considering step back to old version but I worry that it is impossible :confused:
Any Reaper user to confirm my observation? Thks in advance.

Yes, yes it was. Such a time saver. Luckily, the export map to html and csv are still functional - now to find a converter to a cubase drm as I’m no programmer

@ratskins : No not in beta, but you can bet I’m gonna sign up if possible. I’ve had way too many issues with BFD in this last year than I had the whole time I had it before it was inMusic. In fact, while it was still fxpansion there was nothing wrong. . . it just worked

@marceli7: I’d be interested to know if rolling back fixes your issue. I’m not sure I’d want to do it as now I can actually download and install the expansions I paid for over the years . . . the old LM just would not download - the upgrade fixed that only to break one of the coolest features in BFD sigh

Speaking of, back when this was working, why was it available just once in Cubase?

For example, I assemble a kit from scratch. I hit “Get drum map from instrument” in Cubase. I get all the kit piece info. Great.

After 2 hours, I decide I want to change the toms. Or the crash. Or the ride. I can’t “Get drum map from instrument”, it’s greyed out. Buuuut, I can disable the track and re-enable it, then I can do it again.

Is this on Cubase or BFD? Not that it’s much of a hassle to Disable/Re-enable the instrument once or twice, but I wonder why can’t we just refresh the drum map at will, any time.

@ggmanestraki : would you mind being more specific when you say “disable/re-enable” the instrument. I’d like to try this for myself, but I’m not exactly sure what the procedure is on this. If it works for you maybe it will work for me???

@JustPlainJoe , in the track list, on the header of the track for BFD, right click. In the dropdown list, there’s “Disable Track”. When you click on that, the track is greyed out and no longer plays. The instrument is “turned off”.

Once you right click on that greyd out track again, you are now given the opposite option in the dropdown, “Enable Track”. Once you do that, the instrument is turned on again. (But in the last state it had been before having been disabled).

So, at that time, if you enter the Drum editor for a part, the option to Create Drum Map from Instrument is available again.

Unless you still have access to bfd <3.5, I don’t see how you could check this out. Now getting the drum map from bfd is completely unavailable.

Thank you! I just learned something new today lol! I always just muted the track . . .

As a matter o’ fact - I do still have access to BFD pre 3.5. I have a dinosaur of a laptop that has cubase 13 and the previous version of BFD (not sure how old tho) Update things and test again on that to make absolutely sure it’s not a config on my main machine

For anyone reading this topic now or later, and wondering why the “create drum map from instrument” in Cubase is greyed out:

The VST specification/standard provides , among many other things, a method for developers of drum programs to provide a drum map, and a method for reading that file in a DAW. So both your drum program and the DAW must follow and implement the drum mapping standard for it to work. Cubase has implemented it, but few drum developers have, resulting in the “greyed out” option.

Hardly any drum software developers ever provided this standard map - presumably as it was a lot of work, and different DAW’s may or may not have implemented it the same way, or at all.

BFD used to have this drum mapping but does not now.

The version of Cubase is not the problem when being unable to use “create drum map from instrument”. It’s the instrument that isn’t providing Cubase with a mapping file.

It was a great feature, but no one in the developer world is using it.


I have this list back in my Reaper Windows install.

Just went with old LM, installed just old BF3.4. That’s all. In short inspection it works.
Even with fresh downloaded, new content library.
It was necessary to remove new version files from my vst3 path. Reaper crashed with those files.
So I removed “BFD3.vst3” and “BFD3.dll” from
C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST3

Older version (freshly installed) is installed in:
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Steinberg\VST2

And it all ok now:

Thank You Steve63!

BTW: Now I can wait for bugfix for this problem.