OK, you want some context. I have had nothing but issues with BFD. the “Snarkyness” comes from the fact there has never been a time when BFD has worked correctly. my latest issue is that BFD Loads and updates as usual. I can see my purchases and the authorizations are all there working and I see the kits and pieces. but there are no sounds and when clicking or dragging there are no images or audio. if BFD actually replied to my customer support ticket i might be less snarky. are either of you ( doublestrokeroll / popitup) em[ployees of BFD? here is a video of my situation (no `audio) https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/uvy2wref5sjitpi7j9a4f/Screen-Recording-2025-03-11-at-08.48.04.mov?rlkey=i3ioceg8beca06e9abp18rxpt&dl=0
When you say “lost everything” . . . you may have to rescan the content paths on your computer (in preferences - tools)
I wish people would post in a respectful way and not lead with snark. Pretend you’re in the real world. You bought a product, had problems so you go back into the store. Would you say that? I get you’re frustrated, but think about what you just said. How is anyone supposed to help you with that post?
Try a little detail. What do you mean you “lost everything”? You lost the program? You lost the drum sounds? You lost your grooves? You lost your key maps? What’s happening? Does BFD load? Can you load a kit? Details.
Can you elaborate on where you are clicking and dragging ? Into a DAW, or are you using the standalone version ? If you hold down the ALT key on your keyboard, while clicking on any drum piece loaded in the mixer . . . does the meter flash any signal at all ?
You shouldn’t be using the old License Manager with BFD v3.5. Only use the inMusic Software Center. Check the BFD set-up content locations paths in the tools menu and make sure you have them set correctly (post a screenshot). Rescan All paths. You shouldn’t really be dragging those preset files from the macOS Finder, unless you’re importing a file that isn’t already in BFD3. You’re going to wind up with duplicates.
In the InMusic Software Center , at the upper right…User/Account (Initials) .
Click on the Initials…Settings > Change Download Location…before you Download.
Change the Location to where you want the Main Program…Download…
Change the Location where you want the Core Library/Expansions…Download…
The Main Program is small around 100mb…so you can also download everything to the location you want the Samples/Core/Expansions to go …then move it over to the Main Drive…
The post I was replying to was Deleted by the Author during the “Waiting for Approval” period.
This is the problem with this New “Approval” policy.
The original post was asking about Not being able to download the Core Library/Expansions to a different location other than the Default setting.
This reply is the work-around/solution.
Yeah, this approval stuff is getting really distracting. We’re trying to get it sorted out though. Hopefully there should be a noticeable change over the next few days
I’m in Logic Pro. The Plugin Opens and doesn’t suggest there is an issue. which there wasn’t before the update. now there are no samples availible in the BFD GUI browser and dragging and dropping kits and or kit pieces does nothing and imports nothing.