My point is, as standard practice, before doing any major deleting and or installing of any software updates, one should be backing up their system first. Time Machine has incremental backups, so you’ll have more than the last one you backed up anyways. But you do what works best for you.
Point taken.
But whether I had backups or not , BFD3 had been on my Macs for 4 years. I’d just spent 2 days reading about all the bugs present in previous App iterations , and had done nothing wrong in my updating process.
So , in my case , it was an either/or decision. The latest “bug-free!” version , or a computer devoid of all vestiges of older software-versions I now considered very flawed.
A clean install was preferable to reverting back to a version that would eventually give me the same problems - were the protection aspect to become more aggressive in the future. At least that’s the way I felt at the time of deletion.
I had an older MacBook with an out-dated BFD3 on it - and this went through the update process seamlessly. Confident now that the server was working properly , I was happy to clean reinstall a latest version of BFD3 on my current studio machine.
Otherwise I would have seriously walked away.
One question I have….
Why , after installing the library , does the Jacques and Platinum content path still reside in Downloads , along with the uninstaller?
I like to keep an empty downloads folder.
I now have 48Gb in downloads , and another 48Gb in Documents?
What should I do to successfully get rid of the copies , and empty my downloads folder?
I thinks it’s becasue your downloads are set to donwload to the downloads folder on your machine, and then when you install them, they get installed to the documents folder. It should be safe to delete the one in donwloads folder once it’s installed, unless you want to keep a backup of that download.
So in the license manager if you look at preferences you can set where you want the content to download to.
When I scan , it has 2 paths in the download folder (jacques and platinum) along with uninstalls.
The complete library is in documents.
Deleting downloads folder causes files not found alerts.
I have commissioned an external SSD for BFD3 now , and will simply drag the BFD3 folder from documents over to that drive.
I’ll delete all paths , and rescan only on that SSD.
Let’s see how that goes.
No probs. A rescan of the external ssd once you’ve moved everything over should remove the alerts, once you have moved everything over, first select remove all content paths and then do the scan of the external ssd.
Thanks. I’m trusting that the necessary Jacques and Platinum folders are in the documents folder I moved over.
Check they are all there first, maybe a quick look at size of install in both locations etc?
I did that yesterday on my desktop machine as I was also getting alerts and I also had some packs installed in different locations. Now I have re-installed everything onto a separate drive and everything looks good. Busy doing the same on my laptop also using an external drive, hopefully all goes well. I will only know later as I have a ton of xpansions and the installs take some time.
Cheers and good luck.
Very annoying to revert back to a lowly SSD , when all my other drives are 3.5Gb/s Nvme’s.
I’ve been thinking of going that way on the desktop machine, at the moment all my drives in that one are SSD (6TB worth). I’ve just got the whole machine and all the software running sweet on there in the last couple of months, I had to open core the machine. Changing everything again now will be a laborious task and I really need to get on with productions and recording.
Make sure you run the installers you’ve downloaded, and installed to a location of your choosing. The installer should automatically add these install paths to BFD3, but if it doesn’t, you can add them manually by opening the contents locations panel in the Tools menu inside BFD3.
You don’t need to keep the downloaded installers. But you might want to back them up just in case.
Morning Drew, one thing I noticed that you told me last week, in the LM I noticed that only some of my packs were showing up in the ‘Installed Products’ tab, after running the installers from LM they then all showed up in the ‘Installed Products’ tab (on desktop machine), today when doing this on the laptop, they are still only showing up in the ‘Registered Products’ tab, maybe after I have run them all and after a restart they’ll all show up in the ‘Installed Products’ tab? I’ll check again once all is done. Everything is authorised and working so it’s not a big issue.
Yep, at the moment I would expect that. If all you’re doing is re-linking folders via the contents panel, and not running the installer, then currently License Manager will not list the packs in the installed list. This is just a visual thing, if the pack is listed inside BFD3 and it is authorized, then it is installed.
This happens in situations where you’re moving data from one machine to another, or have reinstalled your OS drive and are relinking data paths.
Eventually we will improve this so that BFD3 informs LM that the pack is installed.
Thanks, I actually ran the installers for a few of them this morning, and they still don’t show up (but are installed and working, I’ll check once all is done and see what gives.
Ignore that, I restarted the LM and they are showing as installed now
**How silly of me, you don’t actually have to restart the LM, just use the Refresh Products List
So once a product is installed correctly, the LM isnt even an LM any more, BFD takes care of that?
So what data exactly is it collecting once every 3 months? And why?
All you’re doing is bumping threads and making sure new posts attract eyes to these threads.
Thanks! Its appreciated.
No worries dude
“Hold his arm still nurse. I can’t find the vein”.