About multi out in DAW

Good morning,
When you want to configure the VST as a multi output, it is impossible to obtain the same sound as the single stereo output.
Even by recreating the VST internal mixer configuration in my DAW.
I did tests for the mono and stereo outputs with 3 dB compensation from the pass to the other.
Is there a solution to have the original sound in multiple outputs?

I’ve never had an issue. You’re gonna have to provide some screenshots of both mixers (DAW+BFD3) and audio examples if possible. Is it just a question of volume difference, or the actual tone?

I’m going to take screenshots in the next post to show you but I’ve done new tests and and I noticed something:
I rooted a single track (kick) on an individual track in the DAW. A stereo to be in the same configuration as the internal mixer of BFD Player (kick micro is sent to the internal “main” stereo track).
If I choose the “main” output corresponding to stereo 1-2, the kick sounds the same, if I choose the next output 3-4, there is a difference. So I think that on main, we go first through the main track of the internal mixer and I suppose that the internal main is probably treated with eq and compression. Can anyone confirm this for me?

After a simple test I confirm that the internal “main” track includes processing. To see this, simply change the “main” output of each track to the following stereo output “3-4”.

I just realized that your post is for BFD Player, which I haven’t really delved into that much, so I don’t think I can offer much insight honestly. I haven’t messed with it since its public release.

Ok thank you for your interest.