Rescan User Content hangs

Since I was unauthorized by the servers recently, I’ve been a little buggy again. Some random crashes upon loading presets, or grooves, but also Rescan User Content Paths hangs. There’s a couple ways to get out of it, but if I Force-Quit (Mac), all of my user content disappears. I installed the latest build again and that gets my presets/kits/grooves back when it scans for the first time. However that doesn’t fix the hanging problem with Rescanning User Content Paths.

I had this problem in the past, but up until this latest reoccurrence, I was able to scan with no issues. I finally figured out the easiest way to get out unscathed, is by Remove All Content Paths. Doing so, automatically forces it to scan the user content and successfully. Then, you have to manually add the paths to your BFD sample libraries.

I have no clue why this user scanning is broke all of a sudden.