[PRE REVIEW] Old Kits not Loading

So, I just updated to v3.1, In previous versions of BFD, when it was FXpansion, my kits would load in my sessions. After the update to 3.1, when I open my sessions in Logic or Pro Tools, the BFD plug in is blank. No kits loaded from before.

I’ve also found in some sessions the drums will play, even though again no kit is loaded into the plug in.

Anyone else have this problem? Have you found a way to recover your kits?

thought we are on v3.4…

a few of us i know of had to reinstall all of our content with the new 1.0 version installers to get our kits recognized. have you updated any of your drum sample libraries?

You haven’t mentioned anything about your migration process.

Did you use the migration process suggested in the email sent by inmusicbrands or did you do it manually?

This was the guide from inmusicbrands.


This migration process in the PDF was followed to the letter. The problem isn’t that the kits won’t load. I can load a new kit in v3.1. The issue is my old sessions prior to the upgrade to v3.1 have not retained the kits in the BFD slots. So, when I open an old session, that used a BFD drum plug in, the previously loaded kit was not retained in the plug in.

When I migrated from v1.5 to v2 and the v3, when they were still FXpansion, this problem did not occur. The BFD plugin would remember the kit that had been previously loaded in the session.

Now, I can start over and load a new kit, but I’d lose all my setting a drums that would have been instantiated in the corresponding slots.

Hope that helps a little in understanding my predicament. It’s not that kits don’t load, it’s that the old sessions did not retain the previously loaded kits, so I lost all that work.

You should be running BFD3 v 3.4.2

Did you not save all your old kits as presets?

I’m pretty sure most host sequencers save edits in BFD3, at least cakewalk has done that for me for the past 13 years.


Hi @aftermid ,

Has the advice given by your fellow users helped at all or are you still experiencing this issue in 3.4.2?

Kind regards,